co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains how to build a bank of articles to maintain a consistently updated blog.Why would you want to have a bank of articles for your blog?

The short answer is that life happens: Vacations, sickness, family emergencies, unexpected car trouble, etc. Things happen everyday that can prevent us from keeping our schedules on track, or that interrupt our flow. When these challenges come up, if you have no articles “in the bank,” you have nothing to draw from.

At, we created the concept of an “article bank” based on a bank account, where deposits and withdrawals are made.

Just like setting money aside for the unexpected, having a few ready-to-publish blog articles can make a huge difference. Doing so keeps things moving consistently, and prevents interrupting the flow of your marketing efforts.

What’s the best way to build a bank of articles?

  1. Interview a colleague or referral source – whether that referral source is someone who refers you, or someone to whom you refer, or both – it’s an excellent way to boost marketing for both parties. It also provides a second opinion or an expansion of an idea.

    • The simplest, fastest and easiest way to do this is to formulate a few questions and get the answers from your colleague via email. Next, all you have to do is send their response over to our editors and we’ll edit it into an article.

    • For example, a divorce attorney or mediator’s audience might be keen to hear from an expert (your colleague) on specific subject matters, such as the financial implications of divorce.

  1. For subject matter that warrants an article much longer than 500 words we can help you split it into a Part 1 and Part 2, just like we did with this article.

  2. You can shape a blog article out of a response you’ve given to a client’s question.

    • If you’ve written an email to a client answering a question or instructing them on how to do something, that could be shaped into a blog article. Our editors can strip out the personal and/or confidential information or legal advice and hone it into an article.
  1. If you’ve ever been interviewed by a media outlet, those interview questions & your responses can quickly be turned into a Q&A article.

Please stay tuned for part two, where we will continue to review additional blog topics and ideas for your “bank.”

This article was a collaborative effort between phoneBlogger team members: Marta Hanahan, Daniel Ruisi, Jaclyn Boruch, & Mark Bullock.

We’ve written several articles about using blogging and social media to foster Word of Mouth referrals.

Feel free to check them out at

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Making Sense of Google+ Profiles and Pages to Best Promote Your Business-Related Articles
Mark Bullock
Telephone: (631) 754-0800
