Marketing Fitness — 6 Key Strategies to Implement (Part 2) by Mark Bullock

{4:45 minutes to read} Continuing our discussion from the last blog post, today’s article examines some more health & fitness lessons that can be applied to marketing.

Don’t overdo it.

Although pushing yourself can be a good thing, you don’t want to take it too far. In physical fitness, when you feel a tingling or slight burning sensation, it means your muscle fibers are breaking down. That night, while you sleep, the muscles rebuild stronger.

But sharp pain or severe discomfort is not good. Even though I’ve been extremely careful, I’ve realized that one of my previous injuries — a suspected torn rotator cuff in my shoulder — is preventing me from working out at the level I want to right now. But since I’ve made a commitment to my fitness goals, I’m seeking professional help to stay on track.

It’s the same in marketing: if you get stuck, get help from those who know what to do!

Be committed.

It’s important to recognize what is holding you back in your efforts and make the choice to remove or go around what is stopping you.

During my fitness journey, in addition to activity changes, I also made dietary changes. For example, I knew that sugar was not helping my efforts, so I eliminated it from my diet. It’s taken me a couple of years of consistent effort, & patience, but I have now lost a considerable amount of weight. Whether it’s physical health or marketing, the results will manifest only if you are committed & consistent.

Focus on the practice, not session.

I’m still really new to yoga, but I’ve already learned a valuable concept: your practice is more important than the results of a specific session (as in, workout session). In terms of business, your practice may be the delivery of your knowledge & expertise to those who need it.

But realize marketing is just as important. It can’t be left on the back burner; it needs to be an integral part of your ongoing practice, i.e., it needs to be a habit. Experts say that the first 3 to 4 weeks of doing something new is the hardest period of time, but once you have adjusted, it’s easy to make it a routine.  

Switch it up.

Just like you don’t depend on any single exercise to be your one-and-only, don’t depend on just one channel in marketing. Take a tip from cross-training and apply it to marketing — cross-marketing!

Don’t depend on social media as your only online activity. Utilize multiple online and offline resources. Be active in multiple networking and social media circles where people can interact with you (be reminded of you) on a regular basis.

Try something new.

I heard some great advice from a fitness trainer: “If you want results you’ve never had, you must do things you’ve never done.” Of course, this also applies to business & marketing. If you want more clients than you’ve ever had, you need to do something different than what you’ve been doing.

Don’t stop now!

Accountability is important. Here at, we act as our clients’ accountability partner for getting articles written, published, and syndicated/promoted. Some clients are simply too busy, but many struggle with prioritizing. Of course, their clients must come first, but they can’t afford to ignore their marketing.

Why? Well, the business — busyness — you have now is a result of the marketing you’ve done in the past. If you become too busy to continue marketing, it’s going to hurt your future results, as you are essentially cutting off your nose to spite your face.

We see the same thing with an exercise regimen. It’s tempting to see results and think, “I can afford to relax now.” But if you do, those positive results will soon start to disappear. You need to keep going!

Making Sense of Google+ Profiles and Pages to Best Promote Your Business-Related Articles


Mark Bullock
Telephone: (631) 754-0800
