
Online Ratings, Reviews, Endorsements, Recommendations, Testimonials, Oh My!


{5:25 minutes to read} Why are online ratings, reviews, endorsements, and recommendations something that you should be concerned about? If a potential client looks for you online, they’re going to look for you by name and profession or industry. If these potential clients see favorable comments, it’s one of the deciding factors as to whether [...]

Online Ratings, Reviews, Endorsements, Recommendations, Testimonials, Oh My!2018-03-27T07:45:04-04:00

Is Your Website/Blog Missing the Nuts and Bolts Your Visitors Expect to See?


{5:55 minutes to read} As I’ve mentioned before, if a visitor comes to your website who’s a potential client, and they don’t find the information they’re looking for, they’re likely going to go searching the Internet for somewhere else to find it. You can just assume that. Don’t send visitors away from your website! Asking [...]

Is Your Website/Blog Missing the Nuts and Bolts Your Visitors Expect to See?2018-03-27T07:55:28-04:00

Why Is It Imperative to Google Yourself?


Did you know that 86% of people searching for products and services they don’t regularly use, like legal or financial services, will first search online, usually with Google? That’s before they ask their friends and colleagues for a referral! Even if a curious consumer is not looking to contract a professional service provider, they are [...]

Why Is It Imperative to Google Yourself?2018-03-28T05:01:54-04:00


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