Marketing Cooperation

Be Interviewed on Our New YouTube Podcast


Who recommends you? Who do you recommend? On Pareto’s Principle alone, most likely more than 80% of your lucrative clients come from less than 20% of these Referral Relationships. What are you doing to nurture such cross-marketing? What if every 1 of your clients brought you 1 more client? That’s how we start the pB Intro [...]

Be Interviewed on Our New YouTube Podcast2018-03-28T05:41:57-04:00

5 ways to attract new […?…]


Want new… what? Clients? Referral sources? Followers? Blogging is a means to these ends, but only when readers lead to new readers (via Forwards, Shares, Likes, or when printouts are handed to others). Here are 5 ways to get new readers to get new readers to get new… 1) Trending topics How can you relate [...]

5 ways to attract new […?…]2013-12-19T11:55:46-05:00

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic


Blogging can brand you an expert. Moreover, your blog can also help you leverage the reputation & recognition of others. By co-blogging, you can leverage each other’s time, topics & traffic. Here are 3 models, 2 examples each, of how bloggers are exchanging content & contacts: 1) Cooperative Bloggers, like Healthcare in Compliance or The [...]

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic2013-08-27T02:01:41-04:00

NYSCDM 28th Annual Conference


 Practice Marketing, Inc. & Sponsors NYSCDM 28th Annual Conference Practice Marketing Advisors (PMA) Mark Bullock and Vik Rajan are proud to be sponsors of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation’s 28th annual conference entitled Mediation, Taking It to the Next Level. The Conference will be held May 5-7, 2011 at The Doubletree [...]

NYSCDM 28th Annual Conference2018-03-28T05:57:42-04:00


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