Business Owners

Did You Know: Your Business Needs 3 Legs to Stand?


{3:40 minutes to read} There is a classic idiom about the structure of a 3-legged stool. Your business can be compared to that 3-legged stool. How?   A stool isn’t a stool if it only has one leg. Even with two legs, it’s precarious and unstable at best. The third leg is what provides the [...]

Did You Know: Your Business Needs 3 Legs to Stand?2018-03-27T07:41:30-04:00

Does Your Bio Inspire Prospects to Want to Work With You?


{2:00 minutes to read} A professional bio is a critical component for business owners and entrepreneurs—especially those in professional services. Prospects, COIs, and referrals are Googling you, and it’s important to share your credentials, experience, and achievements via a concise format, i.e., your professional bio.  A basic bio is standard, but you can enhance your [...]

Does Your Bio Inspire Prospects to Want to Work With You?2018-03-27T07:49:54-04:00

7 Traits of Marketing Maestros


{2:20 minutes to read} I’ve only had one real boss: my father. He’s a deep thinker & very learned—inspirational to many people. He taught me pretty much everything I know in terms of business. I’d like to share one of the best lessons he taught me, which still rings true on a daily basis: 7 [...]

7 Traits of Marketing Maestros2018-03-27T08:08:39-04:00

Starters & Finishers – Part 2: Can You Be Both?


{4:20 minutes to read} Everybody’s a starter and everybody’s a finisher. As I mentioned in Starters & Finishers – Part 1: Which Are You? we can all start and we can all finish. How close you are to the center line determines how easy it is to do one or the other. There are a [...]

Starters & Finishers – Part 2: Can You Be Both?2018-03-27T08:10:08-04:00


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