Your Marketing Cheat Sheet – Four quadrants that can help grow your business.Originally this column was a lot longer when it was published on June 25, 2012.  It was extremely complex and laborious mainly because the Practice Marketing Cheatsheet is equally so.  It is arranged in four quadrants: the top two pertains to traditional marketing; the bottom two focus on Internet marketing.  This column focuses on the upper right hand portion of the cheat sheet, which spells the handy acronym “WATERS”.  You can read the column for its explanation.

You’ll see “WATERS” again on the top left hand side also but this focuses mainly on the collaterals aspect of marketing. There is a difference between channels and collaterals, which is explained in the column.  The bottom left Internet-marketing quadrant speaks on the different types of websites; right bottom – traffic drivers.  You can click on the Practice Marketing cheat sheet on cpa2biz, hosted by the Journal of Accountancy, the nation’s oldest magazine for CPA’s.

You can read the column via the link below.
Click here to read “Your Marketing Cheat Sheet”.