2405, 2017
The Four C’s Of Earning More Referrals
Why aren’t you being referred more? Well, do you deserve to be? Know of others who are referred a lot, but don’t deserve to be? Here are their secrets: the four C’s of "referability." Read [...]
1003, 2012
Marketing ideas for Accountants & Attorneys
Whatever you call it: accountant marketing, marketing accounting or CPA services; lawyer marketing, law firm marketing; client development, networking, referral / word of mouth marketing, seminar marketing, blog / blawg, e-newsletters, book marketing; personal branding, [...]
1501, 2012
3 ways to Grow Your Accounting Practice During Tax Season
Marketing does not have to take a back seat just because you are swamped during tax season. In fact, this is one of the best times to grow your practice. Your prospective clients are right [...]