1402, 2017
My LegalWeek Experience
We are pleased to share this article by guest author, Andrea Cannavina. Those of you who know me, know I have been attending the “largest legal trade show” (aka LegalTech NY) held in New York City, [...]
2510, 2011
Is Your Business Card Hurting Your Business
Is Your Business Card Hurting Your Business? Use these strategies to avoid damaging firm growth. Even more than your website, your business card is the single most important marketing material you have. It’s low cost, [...]
1705, 2011
How to Market Mediation Practices
On March 11, Mark Bullock gave a talk to about 35 members of the Family Divorce and Mediation Council of Greater New York (FDMC) on the subject How to Market Mediation Practices. The Family and [...]