Business Advice

1810, 2018

Recommended Authors: An Interactive Online Professional Community

By |October 18th, 2018|Blogging, Marketing Channels, Marketing Collaterals, Marketing Communications, Marketing Leverage|

{2:15 minutes to read}, a site created and managed by, is a showcase for our clients’ work. Initially, it was designed to show prospective clients the types of services that phoneBlogger provides, but it [...]

104, 2015

Does Business Feel Like a Roller Coaster? 5 Tips to Leverage the Ups & Downs

By |April 1st, 2015|Blogging, Mark Bullock, Marketing Collaterals, Marketing Communications, Marketing Consistency, Marketing Leverage, Misc Marketing, Networking, Referral Marketing|

{3:00 minutes to read} Any number of things can affect the ebb and flow of business. Acknowledge that there will be cycles, and use the downtime wisely. I often see clients in professional services experience [...]

2503, 2015

★ ☞ You WILL Believe These Top 2 Email Subject Line Best Practices ☜ ★

By |March 25th, 2015|Marketing Channels, Marketing Communications, Networking, Vik Rajan, Word of Mouth Marketing|

{3:45 minutes to read} People check more email more times a day more than any other social media combined. We all know this is true – anecdotally and personally – which is what makes email [...]

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