Business Advice

1906, 2017

Are Your Online Properties a Hacker’s “Dream”? Protect Yourself Now!

By |June 19th, 2017|Marketing Channels, Marketing Collaterals, Social Networks|

{4:25 minutes to read} Hacking and Internet intrusion is on the rise. Issues are occurring in websites, social media, and even in some email systems. It is incredibly important to take serious and consistent steps [...]

2707, 2012

Which social network is right for you?

By |July 27th, 2012|Marketing Communications, Networking, Referral Marketing, Social Networks, Word of Mouth Marketing|

The Editor of AICPA’s “CPA Insider,” Sukanya Mitra, originally asked me to write a column in response to Pinterest’s rapid growth.  I retorted with an explanation of the demographic that Pinterest addresses:  It is not [...]

1907, 2012

Turning Networking Lemons into Lemonade

By |July 19th, 2012|Mark Bullock, Marketing Through Public Speaking, Networking, Referral Marketing, Seminar Marketing, Word of Mouth Marketing|

A client recently expressed disappointment in a poorly attended networking event with a self promoting organizer.  His feeling was that it had been a total waste of his time. I remember attending an event where [...]

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