An Example of a Videosocials Member Getting Results and WHY! [VIDEO] and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock shares the success story of longtime client, Ada Hasloecher. Mark explains why and how her videos and articles bring her new clients.
Lead Magnets & Ethical Bribes: Are You Using Them in Your Marketing Efforts?
{3:50 minutes to read} An ethical bribe/lead magnet is a resource that is offered on your website for free—valuable enough to the reader that they are willing to give their email address to get it. [...]
Are Reviews Better Than Testimonials? New Insights For 2018
What’s the difference between reviews and testimonials? For now, let’s think of reviews as collected on third-party platforms (Google Reviews, Yelp, Zillow, TripAdvisor, Avvo) and testimonials as those collected directly by businesses. There are notable [...]
Top Seven Overlooked Benefits Of Testimonials
When was the last time you updated your website’s testimonials? Google and other search engines promote websites with frequent updates. Do you find the process awkward -- asking a client for a testimonial, following up [...]
Focusing & Segmenting Your Content [VIDEO]
Mark Bullock, Co-Founder of Videosocials and, encourages you to narrow down the focus of your video and written content to avoid being too broad. Keep it simple. Keep it concise. Mark Bullock (631) 754-0800 [...]
Why Are You Making Videos? [VIDEO]
Mark Bullock, COO and Co-Founder of and, shares his perspective on what our motivation, as business owners and entrepreneurs, should be when presenting video blogs or any other type of marketing content to [...]