5 Reasons You Should Write Blogs Instead of Traditional Articles - and What’s the Difference?So why would you consider writing a blog post instead of an article? What’s the difference?

Blogs are social. Although a blog post is essentially a short article, one way they differ from typical online articles is that they often present the reader with the ability to leave a comment and thereby welcome the reader to participate in a “conversation.” A blog article is not just stating facts, news or opinions as is typical in an article, but in fact blogs allow and encourage input and feedback from the audience that relates to the content.

Conversations sparked by posting a blog can take on a life of their own. By engaging the reader in the process, its chances of being passed around, syndicated via email, shared via social media – in other words going viral – all to a much broader audience, greatly increases.

A past or current client may “testify” for you and/or endorse your services. Once approved, these “testimonials” become a permanent reference for your business.

Creating a blog post is simply easier. Most popular blogging platforms have an easy-to-navigate dashboard that allows you to enter your content without needing extensive technical skill.

Blogging platforms have tremendous Search Engine Optimization (SEO) over traditionally published website articles. You can even take the extra step promoting your posts to your social media profiles, and pages to welcome more readers to the conversation.

Unlike a more lengthy article, blog posts are better if they can be consumed in 5 minutes or less – something you wouldn’t hesitate to read on your smartphone. Keep it brief, punchy, valuable to the reader, and without too much information. A blog is not a white paper, or a case study.

Short does not mean it doesn’t engage your audience.

Remember, in a blog article you are having a conversation with your audience as opposed to lecturing on a topic – so write in such a way as to foster that engagement.

We’ve written several articles about using blogging and social media to foster referrals. Feel free to check them out at phoneBlogger.net/Blog.

We’d love to hear your feedback –
You can comment or ask questions in the “Leave a Reply” section below!

 5 Reasons You Should Write Blogs Instead of Traditional Articles - and What’s the Difference?Mark Bullock

Telephone: (631) 754-0800

Email: Mark@phoneBlogger.net

