Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains how and why the social aspect of Videosocials provides the perfect environment to create valuable marketing content that people can relate to.
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Are you trying to create content — whether that be video, audio, text — in your own mind, by yourself, for an audience?
Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and
And I wanted to kind of take you through where we came from and what we’re up to because the best content is created in a social environment. It’s created by having a conversation with others. Why does that work?
Well, think about it. If you’re just presenting an idea or concept to an inanimate object called a camera, that’s going to feel like that to the person trying to watch that video, as an example, or listen to that audio if you’re just talking into a microphone, as an example. So, where our best ideas come from, where our creative minds work best is in a conversation.
So, we created phoneBlogger more than a decade ago to have an editor call our clients and have a conversation. That conversation is recorded and edited into a written blog post. Many times, those can turn out to be scripts that can be used to record for an audio.
More recently, about three years ago, we came up with the concept of Videosocials where we provide you an audience. In other words, there’s a group of people that are all together recording their videos together and they’re having a conversation with each other and getting feedback from each other.
And now the next level is our VIP service, which is Show, and the purpose of that is to take people who want to have a conversation as in an interview and/ or have longer conversations than typical two or three-minute blog posts, and do that either through live streams, video podcasts, etc. Especially in the video interview space, because, again, having that conversation with another person is where our creative minds are flowing and that’s what people are most interested in and has the most impact is if they can see and hear and engage with you having a conversation with someone else.
So, that’s kind of the background that’s carried us all the way through. The understanding from my original question is — if you’re trying to create social content on your own, you’re kind of missing the point. The point is have a conversation with others in a social environment, record that conversation and now you’ve got something that’s compelling and impels people to move forward.
I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’re lots more at . Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and . Have a great day.
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