Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why it’s important to keep your audience’s needs and wants at the forefront when deciding what and how to present your marketing content.
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You’re recording videos — actually creating any kind of content — and you’re doing it because you’re interested in it. You might be making a mistake.
Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and
And the reason I say it might be a mistake is — is your audience interested? And not only are they interested, are you presenting the content — writing it, speaking it, recording it on video — in such a way that is the way that they want to consume it, rather than the way that you’re interested in presenting it?
Why is this important? It’s important because we have a tendency when we’re creating something, whether it be — we could be writing a book — it really doesn’t matter what it is. We have an interest in teaching the way that we want to teach and showing the way that we want to show and presenting the way that we want to present. But that is because that’s typically how we want to receive it.
But are you your own target audience? Maybe you are, but maybe you aren’t. And the thing to do, the thing to pay attention to is is the person that you’re trying to reach with whatever message you’re trying to reach them with — are you giving them the content the way that they want to receive it? And this has a lot to do with whether… what channel you might go through or what process that you use.
If your target audience primarily listens to audio podcasts, does it make sense then to do the content that you want to do as an audio podcast? In all likelihood, they probably want to see it on video, which is why we created Videosocials, but either way around, whatever they — if they want to read it, write it for them. If they want to hear it, create a podcast — an audio podcast. If they want to see it, create a video podcast or videos that you can post on to YouTube and the other social media channels.
So, however they want to receive it, is number one, and number two is how do they want it presented to them? Do they want you to tell them what to do, or do they want you to tell them what you’re doing so that they can learn from you as a role model versus as a ”you should do,” just as an example?
This is all about — it’s about defining and understanding who your target audience is, what their hot buttons are, what their interests are, and what they want to hear, and how they want to hear it, or read it, or watch it from you — not how you want to present it.
I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’re lots more tips at And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and Have a great day.
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