Mark Bullock


About Mark Bullock

Mark Bullock is Co-Founder of, and a Partner with Practice Marketing, Inc.

5 Reasons You Should Write Blogs Instead of Traditional Articles – and What’s the Difference?


So why would you consider writing a blog post instead of an article? What’s the difference? Blogs are social. Although a blog post is essentially a short article, one way they differ from typical online articles is that they often present the reader with the ability to leave a comment and thereby welcome the reader [...]

5 Reasons You Should Write Blogs Instead of Traditional Articles – and What’s the Difference?2018-03-28T05:45:10-04:00

Are you LinkedIn to Social Media?


If you are in professional services and you want to grow your business, you simply must embrace social media – specifically LinkedIn. For example, a client of ours who only recently opened a LinkedIn account: Has made more than 1,000 connections; Is a member of 50 groups (LinkedIn’s maximum); Gets dozens of comments on every [...]

Are you LinkedIn to Social Media?2018-03-28T05:46:07-04:00

Redefining Social Media’s 80-20 Rule


I just heard from a long­time client-turned-­friend that a speaker she heard was espousing the importance of spending 80% of our marketing time on personal connections – networking, public speaking and face­-to-­face meetings – and only 20% on social media. Even though I run a company heavily immersed in social media, I don’t think the [...]

Redefining Social Media’s 80-20 Rule2013-10-29T18:58:09-04:00

Is Your Response Time Costing You Money?


I, like many of you, am often in email purgatory. My inbox “overflowith” with staff questions & updates, client requests & questions, personal email, industry news, social media requests & updates, junk mail, etc, etc. And mixed in with this daily storm of emails are the occasional inquiries from referrals, or our website. I must [...]

Is Your Response Time Costing You Money?2018-03-28T05:48:25-04:00

When Your Name is Given, How Easily Can You be Found Online?


When your name is given or dropped, the party or person receiving the referral is going to look you up online. What are they going to find when they do? How findable are you? Are you Googlable? And while they are searching for you, they will also find your competitors. So how can you ensure [...]

When Your Name is Given, How Easily Can You be Found Online?2018-03-28T05:48:34-04:00

What Does It Take to Get Referrals? Three Little Words.


Since word of mouth marketing is king in professional service industries, we recognize that professional services are built on the magic triad of: Know Like Trust People need to know, like, and trust you before they are going to do business with you.  It’s not so much about business to business marketing, as much as [...]

What Does It Take to Get Referrals? Three Little Words.2018-03-28T05:48:40-04:00

Turning Networking Lemons into Lemonade


A client recently expressed disappointment in a poorly attended networking event with a self promoting organizer.  His feeling was that it had been a total waste of his time. I remember attending an event where the self-important organizer/speaker droned on and on – I didn’t want to sit there listening to him “waste my time”. [...]

Turning Networking Lemons into Lemonade2018-03-28T05:52:02-04:00

Why Blog?


Many professionals ask, “Why Should I Blog?”  Many have heard about it but they don’t necessarily understand what blogging is unless they’ve actually done it.  The primary reason you, as a professional practitioner should be blogging, is to showcase your experience and expertise, which will help you become a Branded ExpertTM in your field.  Here’s [...]

Why Blog?2018-03-28T05:52:55-04:00

Social Networking, is it Worth it?


Practicing professionals often try to wrap their heads around whether or not the time and effort to pursue word of mouth referrals via Social Media channels is “worth it”.  We often hear questions like: “What’s the ROI (return on investment) for Social Media?” My response would be: “What’s the ROI for your phone, or computer, [...]

Social Networking, is it Worth it?2018-03-28T05:53:29-04:00

The Creation Story


Frankly,™ was born out of exasperation. Let me explain: A few years back, we had a professional services marketing client with years of experience in her craft. She is a dynamic and gregarious individual; a brilliant writer, authentic speaker, and a powerhouse networker. A client who was a pro at getting referrals through building [...]

The Creation Story2012-06-21T18:57:37-04:00

How to Market Mediation Practices


On March 11, Mark Bullock gave a talk to about 35 members of the Family Divorce and Mediation Council of Greater New York (FDMC) on the subject How to Market Mediation Practices. The Family and Divorce Mediation Council of Greater New York (FDMC) is a membership organization made up of mediators, lawyers, mental health professionals, [...]

How to Market Mediation Practices2018-03-28T05:57:21-04:00

NYSCDM 28th Annual Conference


 Practice Marketing, Inc. & Sponsors NYSCDM 28th Annual Conference Practice Marketing Advisors (PMA) Mark Bullock and Vik Rajan are proud to be sponsors of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation’s 28th annual conference entitled Mediation, Taking It to the Next Level. The Conference will be held May 5-7, 2011 at The Doubletree [...]

NYSCDM 28th Annual Conference2018-03-28T05:57:42-04:00


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