Our own co-founder and COO, Mark Bullock, was very hesitant to start a podcast until he realized the value in the services his own new company can provide to help him. Mark’s new podcast is “Inspiring Business” and the new company is VIP (Video Interview Podcasts). Watch the video to learn more about VIP and Inspiring Business.
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”But I don’t want to do a podcast! I really don’t want to!”
Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net. And my business partner, Vik, asked me about a month ago that… as we were starting to get into and create podcasting services, in other words, services for people that wanted to do podcasts, especially video interview podcasts… that I needed to do one.
So, what was I resisting? By the way, I am doing a podcast. So… but what was I resisting?
Well, it was — some of it was the same resistance I had to being on video in the first place before we created Videosocials. One is, you know, ‘gee, I’m already out there, you know, on the Internet. I’m already on YouTube. I’ve now done 500 plus videos that are on YouTube,’ but the fact of the matter is, is that I didn’t want to do that either. And that all comes back to the core: I’m an introvert.
I’m just as happy to be completely by myself. I’m not interested in being on stage. I’m not interested in being out in front of people. But you know what? I talked myself into doing Videosocials and now, into doing a podcast because of the difference that what I provide — what’s in my head — what’s in my experience — and most importantly, the experience of the hundreds of others — over 1000 others — that I’ve helped create content for social media and for being out on the internet. So, that was the main impetus.
The other big resistance was, ‘good grief, the work. It’s so many hours of trying to schedule people and trying to, you know, figure out what to talk about, what to do and dealing with the technology,’ and Vik, you know, stopped me on that one because he’s like — that’s why we’re creating the service. We do all that for the clients and if they’re already doing a podcast, and they’re already doing all that, and they only want us, you know, some help to get rid of some of the laborious stuff — some of the grind, we’re happy to do that, too.
Well, so that kind of took away that objection. And then I got inspired once I figured out the name for it, and it is Inspiring Business. And what it’s about is if the people that I know, the people that I’ve worked with over the years that we’ve been doing Practice Marketing and even some outside of that — are people that have a business that makes a difference for those that they serve. And so, they’re thought leaders, and they’re thought leaders that inspire others — inspire others to work with them and inspire others to work and do what’s right for them — that helps them move forward. In some cases, are actually transformational kinds of services. In other words, the clients that they work with, the people that they impact actually are different — are better after having worked with them.
So, that’s who I’m going to be interviewing. That’s who you’re going to be seeing on the program. So, keep an eye out. There’ll be a link below that you can subscribe to it or check it out. And it is, again, Inspiring Business. And even though I didn’t want to, initially, now I’m really excited about it. I hope you’ll join us.
Again, Inspiring Business. Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Videosocials.net, phoneBlogger.net and now, Video Interview Podcast Services. Take care.
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