
Systemize Your Marketing and Win

2023-11-03T16:32:50-04:00   Doing your online marketing on your own? Finding it difficult to get it done, consistently? Mark Bullock, co-founder and COO of Practice Marketing Inc. (PMI) suggests that whatever type of marketing you are engaged in — text, video, or even interview podcasts— PMI has a service to help and support you in [...]

Systemize Your Marketing and Win2023-11-03T16:32:50-04:00

In Marketing, When Is Good Enough…Enough?

2022-04-11T09:49:45-04:00 co-founder, Mark Bullock, continues his conversation about the dangers of perfectionism and the importance of consistently marketing yourself. Get practice at marketing yourself with support feedback: be our guest at Videosocials club: Watch more videos like this: Stay up to date, get our newsletter Transcript: When it comes to reaching [...]

In Marketing, When Is Good Enough…Enough?2022-04-11T09:49:45-04:00

Not Just Business, It Is Personal: We Got A Puppy!

2022-03-01T12:19:37-05:00 co-founder, Mark Bullock, introduces the newest member of his family — Luna, the sweet 6-month old puppy. Watch the video to meet Luna and learn why this introduction is relevant to video marketing.  Watch more videos at: Transcript: We got a new puppy. Hi. I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and [...]

Not Just Business, It Is Personal: We Got A Puppy!2022-03-01T12:19:37-05:00

What is the Holy Grail of Creating Marketing Content? [VIDEO]


Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains how and why the social aspect of Videosocials provides the perfect environment to create valuable marketing content that people can relate to. Stay up to date, get our newsletter Transcript: Are you trying to create content — whether that be video, audio, text — in your own mind, [...]

What is the Holy Grail of Creating Marketing Content? [VIDEO]2022-01-31T11:06:16-05:00

Are You Creating Content for You or Your Audience?


Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why it’s important to keep your audience's needs and wants at the forefront when deciding what and how to present your marketing content. Stay up to date, get our newsletter Transcript: You're recording videos — actually creating any kind of content — and you're doing it because you're [...]

Are You Creating Content for You or Your Audience?2022-01-18T13:51:45-05:00

Which Sells Better: Odd or Even Numbers?

2021-11-05T11:27:15-04:00 co-founder, Mark Bullock, talks about the simple strategy of using odd numbers in your titles to attract more viewers and readers. Stay up to date, get our newsletter Transcript: If I were to say I had six reasons for you to watch this video, it would be less impactful than if I [...]

Which Sells Better: Odd or Even Numbers?2021-11-05T11:27:15-04:00

Great Content? Now Get Them to Subscribe [VIDEO]


You may have a great piece of content but once a prospect reads and closes it, you’re out of their mind. How do you stay top of mind? co-founder, Mark Bullock, provides some strategies on how to stay on the radar of those people who have read and like your content. Stay up to [...]

Great Content? Now Get Them to Subscribe [VIDEO]2021-10-28T14:46:33-04:00

Connecting the Dots (Content Library) for Your Viewers

2021-10-27T13:52:02-04:00 Stay up to date, get our newsletter Transcript: If you've been creating content for a while and now, you're wondering, 'Okay, when I'm doing videos or I'm doing a blog post or I'm doing a podcast, it's a one -time thing, and let's get it out there...' and you're not referencing [...]

Connecting the Dots (Content Library) for Your Viewers2021-10-27T13:52:02-04:00

Do You Need a Call-to-action?

2021-10-19T14:09:18-04:00 co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why you should have at least two call-to-actions memorized and ready to go at all times to use at the end of your videos. Without giving your audience an action to do after they’re done watching, you’re going to lose them. Watch the video for more details and more suggestions [...]

Do You Need a Call-to-action?2021-10-19T14:09:18-04:00

Mark’s Musings: Are You a Starter or a Finisher?


Mark Bullock, Co-founder of and, explains the concept of people being either predominantly a starter or a finisher and how identifying yourself as one will help you determine what traits you’re lacking in so you can focus on filling that void in other ways. Stay up to date, get our newsletter [...]

Mark’s Musings: Are You a Starter or a Finisher?2021-10-11T12:44:03-04:00

What’s Your Most Engaging Topic?


Mark Bullock, Co-founder of and, provides some simple and easy tips to make your content more engaging. Stay up to date, get our newsletter Transcript: We all know that it's best to open with a question or a bold statement. The next level from that is is that if that question [...]

What’s Your Most Engaging Topic?2021-10-06T14:42:25-04:00

Are you social marketing or selfish marketing?


Mark Bullock, co-founder of and, explains what selfish marketing is and why it should be avoided on social media platforms. Transcript: If you're creating content for marketing on social media, a question you might ask yourself is, 'are you social marketing or are you selfish marketing?' Hi, I'm Mark Bullock. I'm the co-founder [...]

Are you social marketing or selfish marketing?2021-09-21T14:22:05-04:00

Acknowledging Others in Your Content is a Win-Win [VIDEO]


Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, talks about a video that a member recorded recently that he thought was brilliant. In the video, Yifel He, applauded his colleague who made a big career move similar to the move he made earlier in his career. Watch the video to learn why Mark thought it was so brilliant and [...]

Acknowledging Others in Your Content is a Win-Win [VIDEO]2021-09-15T13:22:44-04:00

The Importance of Setting Audience Expectations [VIDEO]

2021-08-31T11:58:33-04:00 Co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains the importance of letting your audience know what level of accountability you have for yourself and what expectation you have of them as a new client or member. Transcript: Why is setting the expectations of your target audience when you’re creating content important? Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, I’m the co [...]

The Importance of Setting Audience Expectations [VIDEO]2021-08-31T11:58:33-04:00

Drawing Your Audience Closer via a Series [VIDEO]

2021-08-11T15:25:34-04:00 and Co-Founder Mark Bullock explains how creating a playlist on YouTube is a great technique to engage and retain your audience. Transcript: Hi. I'm Mark Bullock with and And today I wanted to give you a tip on doing series of recordings. So what am I talking about? Well, if you [...]

Drawing Your Audience Closer via a Series [VIDEO]2021-08-11T15:25:34-04:00

Is your content hitting the mark? [VIDEO]

2021-05-25T08:06:05-04:00 and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, gives some advice on how to get people to view your content in its entirety. Transcript: So why is somebody going to consume the content that you create online, whether it be video, audio, text, whatever it is? Why are they there? Why are they going to [...]

Is your content hitting the mark? [VIDEO]2021-05-25T08:06:05-04:00

WHY do you want them to do it? WHAT do you want them to do? [VIDEO]


What do you want your audience to do and why do you want them to do it? COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, explains why a great three-minute video blog will explain to your audience how to do what you’re telling them to do and also explain why they should be doing it. This video is [...]

WHY do you want them to do it? WHAT do you want them to do? [VIDEO]2021-03-10T07:29:51-05:00

Why You Need to Tap Into the Emotions of Your Audience [VIDEO]


People generally react and buy emotionally and then reflect on that action or purpose logically with rational thought. and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, discusses how to tap into that emotionality with blogging.

Why You Need to Tap Into the Emotions of Your Audience [VIDEO]2021-03-02T14:04:42-05:00

Mark’s Thoughts On Blogging—What Are Yours? [VIDEO]

2021-02-24T07:04:05-05:00 and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, discusses the intent and motivation behind maintaining blogs. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the mechanics of making and optimizing our content that we stray away from the original intent of blogging — to be a thought leader and to connect with your audience by delivering [...]

Mark’s Thoughts On Blogging—What Are Yours? [VIDEO]2021-02-24T07:04:05-05:00


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