You may have a great piece of content but once a prospect reads and closes it, you’re out of their mind. How do you stay top of mind? co-founder, Mark Bullock, provides some strategies on how to stay on the radar of those people who have read and like your content.

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So, you’ve created a really great video, a blog post, an article, something that you’re putting out on social media. It’s a great piece of content and somebody — really your target audience — consumes it and it really hits the mark. This is something that they’re going to need, but maybe not right now, but at the end of your content, the only call-to-action that you provided them was to contact you.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and of and I think you can see the potential issue there. So, it was the right content, it was the right prospect, but it didn’t land at the right time. So, what can we do about it?

Well, one is first, realize that that individual that consumes that piece of content may be on fire for and really appreciate what you’ve got going on. And they might even bookmark your content for later viewing when they do need your services. But don’t count on that. What you want to do is you want them to start paying attention to you and have more resources that they can stay in contact with. How do you do that?

I’m gonna make you two suggestions : One is become a subscriber to whatever social media channel that you’re publishing on on a consistent basis. Whether it be a subscriber on YouTube, whether it be a follower on your LinkedIn company page, whether that be connecting with you on LinkedIn, so that they can see your updates, whether that be following your Facebook business page or subscribing, secondly, and probably even more importantly, to your newsletter. And it doesn’t even have to be a traditional newsletter. It could be a video postcard or just a postcard series, as it were, of single pieces of content, or it could be something more elaborate. But the point is, if you’re putting something out consistently, either in social media or an email, you want people to be able to find a way to pay attention to you without having to remember to go find you later on.

This is called drip marketing. And social media makes it really easy when it comes to subscribing. Although the best possible is always email. Why? Because when people check their email vastly more frequently than they’re watching their social media feeds. Secondly, they’ll recognize your name because you produced great content in the past that they really enjoyed, they found valuable. And so when your name shows up in their inbox, even if they don’t have time to consume it right now, you’re back on that radar screen, because no matter what you produce as far as content, no matter how great it is, and no matter how well it lands, the moment that they close that piece of content, you have to assume you’re not in existence anymore. They’re on with the rest of their lives and they’ve got other things to do. So, I’ll ask them to give you permission to drip your marketing on them. In other words, to remind them on a consistent basis that you exist and what your value is and the value that they see in what you provide.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at . Now, there’s a lot of content there. So, whatever your topic is, use the search box and search a keyword or two, drip marketing perhaps, or library of content, something like that, so that you can get individual pieces that are going to be more in line with what you’re looking for, rather than looking at a giant pool of content. Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder, . Have a great day.