Business Advice

2612, 2017

Don’t Risk Your Website Security—Convert it to HTTPS

By |December 26th, 2017|Blogging, Marketing Collaterals|

{3:45 minutes to read} We’ve all seen the following letters at the beginning of website addresses: HTTP. They stand for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol.”  Recently, more and more website addresses display an additional S (HTTPS) indicating [...]

406, 2014

It’s All About the Follow-Through: Marketing, as with Tennis & Golf

By |June 4th, 2014|Blogging, Misc Marketing, Vik Rajan|

In April 2014, I was selected to be the (youngest ever?) next “Counselor-in-training” with SCORE, the business counseling non-profit funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration. As soon as 1 of the NYC SCORE Counselors [...]

2805, 2014

Why We Encourage Cross Promotion in Social Media

By |May 28th, 2014|Blogging, Mark Bullock, Marketing Community, Networking, Referral Marketing, Social Networks|

Every service provides is designed to have people become aware of you, and then be consistently reminded of you. The frequency and number of social channels to which we syndicate and cross-promote your blog [...]

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