Controversial Topics [VIDEO]
2020 has brought us an array of controversial topics and subjects to think and talk about. Are you considering addressing one of these topics in a video? Do you want to take a stand? [...]
What Can a Virtual Marketing Assistant Do for You?
{4:20 minutes to read} Relationships take time, but one of the things you can do to help offset that is to use a virtual marketing assistant. In the early days of Practice Marketing, long before [...]
Professional Online Networking Beyond Pop Social Media
{4:00 minutes to read} What do you think about when you hear the term “social media”? The field of online networking goes beyond what we traditionally think of as social media, which puts the emphasis [...]
Is Social Media Getting You Referrals?
{4:54 minutes to read} Clients ask if we can advise them on how they can get more likes and interactions on their social media. There are many ways to encourage people to like your Facebook [...]
Influencer Marketing You Can Afford: How To Convert ‘Likes’ Into Buyers
Influencer marketing typically refers to paying celebrity influencers -- those with large followings on social media, blogs, newsletters, etc. -- to promote your brand. However, research shows that micro-influencers -- those with 10,000 followers or less -- are [...]
Do You Have All Five Types Of Testimonials?
Not all testimonials are made equal. Some reviews may be from raving fans, while others are just raving mad. Beyond questionable reviews, though, testimonials affirm your value in the voices of those benefitted by you. [...]