If Your Blog Article Is Great, but No One Knows It’s There … Did It Make an Impact?
{2:40 minutes to read} Content marketing has its own dictionary — blog post, social media post, and e-newsletter just to name a few. The what and the why for each vary and have different purposes [...]
Six Marketing Seasons
Sow your marketing seeds now before tax season really besieges your practice. Let’s take a bi-monthly approach. Two-month seasons help you to better focus your time and money. Six seasons: 1) January and February, 2) [...]
Distinguish Your Practice
On May 11, 2010, I was a panelist on AICPA/PCPS’ webinar: The Future Is Write Now: How marketing your expertise must change! I previewed the webinar in my April column. Pithy writing sparks more referrals [...]
Has Your Marketing Plan Failed You?
How using a dashboard can make all the difference. A marketing plan is typically a bound document, predicting the right actions for growth. It usually covers more than a few months, often a year and [...]
Are My Blog & Website Mobile-Friendly?
{2 minutes to read} One of our clients emailed me a question, “Vik, I was wondering if you think my main website is mobile-friendly?” This is how I answered my client’s question: 1) Your main [...]
Online Reputation Management: Part 2 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff
{3:20 minutes to read} In Part 1, we shared the story about someone who was trying to overcome the negative results Google produced about themselves. To help solve this problem, he (or you) can do [...]