Business Advice

2801, 2015

2 New Cross-promotion Benefits of!

By |January 28th, 2015|Blogging, Referral Marketing, Vik Rajan, Word of Mouth Marketing|

{Time to read: 3.5 minutes} Blogging is a means to an end. Our real focus of blogging is word-of-mouth marketing, to stay top-of-mind with referral relationships. One of the main focuses of and working [...]

1501, 2015

Looking For New Referral Sources? Don’t Overthink It — Take Action Now!

By |January 15th, 2015|Blogging, Mark Bullock, Networking, Referral Marketing|

{Time to Read: 3.5 minutes} Recently I was helping a client get all of their “ducks in a row” for what will be a well-planned outreach to possible referral sources. They had decided to limit [...]

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