Business Advice

1307, 2018

3 Easy Ways to Diversify Your Newsletter and Blog Articles!

By |July 13th, 2018|Marketing Channels, Marketing Collaterals, Marketing Communications, Referral Marketing|

{2:30 minutes to read} When considering what content to highlight both in newsletters and blog articles, remember that you are not just going after “new business.” It is equally important to provide information to individuals who [...]

701, 2015

Only 6 Lawyers Attended My Seminar! 4 Happy Lessons

By |January 7th, 2015|Blogging, Marketing Through Public Speaking, Referral Marketing, Vik Rajan, Word of Mouth Marketing|

{Time to read: 5 minutes} Back in October 2014, I presented a seminar series for the Metropolitan Black Bar Association (MBBA). While only 6 lawyers attended the 1st workshop, there were at least 4 happy [...]

1112, 2014

How To Attract Referrals By Becoming a Branded Expert™ in Your Industry

By |December 11th, 2014|Blogging, Mark Bullock, Referral Marketing|

The phoneBlogger process is highly successful at starting conversations. At phoneBlogger, we have enjoyed watching as numerous clients have benefited from their blog posts striking a chord with their colleagues, affiliates, centers of influence & [...]

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