3 Easy Ways to Diversify Your Newsletter and Blog Articles by Mark Bullock

{2:30 minutes to read} When considering what content to highlight both in newsletters and blog articles, remember that you are not just going after “new business.” It is equally important to provide information to individuals who could / would refer you business, and almost as important — pass your newsletter along to others!

Newsletter marketing efforts are designed to engage prospective referrals, current clients, and colleagues. Content marketing, i.e. blog articles, is the primary method that phoneBlogger clients employ; however, other business-related information is not only useful but imperative, to share!

Professional Development & Awards

Presentations, workshops, continuing education, and seminars are significant marketing opportunities. Whether as a presenter or an attendee, information shared and/or obtained at one of these events is great content to feature, first as a teaser and then as a follow-up, in your newsletters and blogs.

Success Stories

It is often a humility challenge for business people to share their success stories and other types of recognition. Yet, this category of information is vastly underutilized as a marketing technique. Sharing awards, compliments, success stories, etc. (without being self-aggrandizing) is a terrific opportunity to highlight your value.

Administrative Information

Often, administrative information, while important, is perceived as less “compelling” and can easily be passed over for better content. This includes such information as: 

  • location changes or updates;
  • website, logo updates;
  • contact information updates; and
  • staffing updates.

The last bullet point, staffing updates, provides a tremendous opportunity to generate business by simply educating your audience about the growth of your practice. Growth = Success! If you’re expanding, share your news!

In many cases, in addition to sharing this information via newsletters, multiple blog articles can be written about the hiring of new associates, their specialities, bios, etc. Newsletters are digest emails; given this, blog articles allow you to expand on the content further and promote your ideas through social media channels, as well.

What else can you include in your email newsletters to encourage readers to share it?

Mark Bullock
Telephone: (631) 754-0800
