Do you think some people are just plain rotten? co-founder
Mark Bullock is asking that this Thanksgiving season you look for the redeeming quality of everyone, even the most “rotten” of people. Watch the video to learn how he looks for the good in people.

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Do you ever find yourself wondering, you know, why are there so many rotten people in the world?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And I’d like you to consider a different option than there’s so many rotten people. And that is, yes, there are some rotten people, but there’s many more that are simply misguided.

And what am I talking about? I’m talking about it’s your frame of reference. It’s how you feel about somebody. It’s how you cubbyhole someone. This includes your prospects, your clients, your family members, everybody else.

We’re coming into Thanksgiving, and I think it’s a great time to look for what there is to be thankful for. Not just for ourselves, but what do we thankful for in some of those rotten people — because most of them, at heart, really aren’t rotten. They truly are misguided, misinformed, and perhaps, just uninformed. And they’ve had some rough bumps along the way and maybe they’ve made some bad choices on those… on those bumps along the way. But if you can be the one who sees something of good, something that is redeeming, something that might take them on a step in the direction of being less rotten, you might just be the person to help them turn the corner.

I hope you’ll take that to heart this Thanksgiving season. Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and and we’d love to have you as a guest at Have a great one!