Marketing Compliance

The Golden Rule of Marketing


Aside from a related LinkedIn lawsuit, the #1 apprehension I hear to uploading contacts into LinkedIn is the fear that their colleagues will get spammed by other members. I squash that concern by showing them the mechanisms that prevent mass blasting. I further explain that we’re all spammed everyday; we only choose to work with [...]

The Golden Rule of Marketing2013-09-25T11:56:28-04:00

Six Marketing Seasons


Sow your marketing seeds now before tax season really besieges your practice. Let’s take a bi-monthly approach. Two-month seasons help you to better focus your time and money. Six seasons: 1) January and February, 2) March and April, 3) May and June, 4) July and August, 5) September and October and 6) November and December. [...]

Six Marketing Seasons2012-06-20T22:30:08-04:00

U.S. Court of Appeals rules New York Attorney Advertising Rules: UNCONSTITUTIONAL


I have been speaking about this for the past month… on Friday, Mark Bullock & I will be presenting a CLE seminar to the New York State Council for Divorce Mediation. We will be sharing many marketing techniques for up and coming divorce mediators. Many of them are practicing attorneys, and thus must comply with [...]

U.S. Court of Appeals rules New York Attorney Advertising Rules: UNCONSTITUTIONAL2012-06-21T18:50:18-04:00


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