Authentic Marketing: New, Old, and New Again
{3:15 minutes to read} The start of a new year is a great time to get back to basics. In the marketing world, that means asking ourselves: What are our goals? How do we reach [...]
Seminar Marketing
A new way to zero in on new clientele. October 18, 2010 by Vikram Rajan “Seminar Marketing” is a catch-all phrase that includes public presentations, speaking engagements and classes. In some form, it should be [...]
Make Your Year-End Count
Five marketing strategies show you how You survived September’s quarterlies, and this month’s extensions. As you begin to endure the flurry of compilations, audits, and review, don’t let your marketing lapse! The last quarter is [...]
Is Your Business Card Hurting Your Business
Is Your Business Card Hurting Your Business? Use these strategies to avoid damaging firm growth. Even more than your website, your business card is the single most important marketing material you have. It’s low cost, [...]
Are Your Email Lists VIP-Centric?
{4:15 minutes to read} Email marketing is convenient and efficient. Yet, efficiency & effectiveness are often counter to one another. Meaning, as something is more efficient, the less effective it often is. Very often the [...]
Online Reputation Management: Part 1 – What Is It, & Why Is It Important?
{3:40 minutes to read} When you Google yourself, what comes up? Is it you or your website? Does someone else with the same or a similar name as you come up? What are you finding [...]