Vik Rajan of discusses using seminars as a marketing channelA new way to zero in on new clientele.

October 18, 2010
by Vikram Rajan

“Seminar Marketing” is a catch-all phrase that includes public presentations, speaking engagements and classes. In some form, it should be a mainstay of your Marketing Action Plan (MAP). When done right, seminars produce a bounty of leads, client loyalty and billing and brand you a niche expert. Here are five specific dos, don’ts and thumb-rules when it comes to seminar marketing.

Do: Have a Goal for the Year
How many seminars do you want to do this year? “As many as I can,” may be your answer. A goal is meant to challenge you: How many seminars do you do now? If the answer is close to none, or sporadic, at the very best, then a goal of four seminars in the next 12 months would be a good start. In my column, Six Marketing Seasons of 2010, I revealed the pros and pitfalls of two-month segments. You can use that as a guide as to when you should schedule your seminars.

Originally published in the AICPA ‘CPA Insider’ newsletter. Please click here to go to their site and read more to read more.