Should You Share Your Client Success Stories? by Mark Bullock

{1:25 minutes to read}  Blog article topics are inspired by questions, challenges, and relevant and recent information in our client’s specific fields of practice. Content marketing is distinct in that it provides useful information to specific audiences (clients, referrals, colleagues, etc). 

When brainstorming content ideas, it is not uncommon for client success stories to be overlooked as important material to share. 

In general, it is critical to make your distinct abilities and expertise known — particularly the ways in which you differentiate yourself from competitors. Client success stories are personal and communicate a unique, and hopefully relatable, experience.

The Anatomy of a Client Success Story

When communicating the story in a blog article, it is important to include: 

  • the problem the client was facing;
  • the hurdles that needed to be overcome; and
  • the outcome. 

In addition, providing examples of how a contrasting course of action would have had an inferior result will demonstrate your knowledge and skills, and will build the reader’s confidence in you.  

People love success stories. They enjoy true-to-life examples of what you do, the difference that you make in the lives of others, and ultimately, theirs! 

Sharing success stories is not boastful — it’s a direct reflection of the valuable services that you offer. Success stories add a human, relatable touch to your blog articles. Remember, it is okay to highlight your client’s success — their success is yours too! 

Mark Bullock
Telephone: (631) 754-0800
