Did you know that 86% of people searching for products and services they don’t regularly use, like legal or financial services, will first search online, usually with Google? That’s before they ask their friends and colleagues for a referral!
Even if a curious consumer is not looking to contract a professional service provider, they are likely to have “Googled” people before. Based on considerable traffic monitoring across all our clients’ websites and blogs, we know that the most-searched-for phrase is always our client’s name and profession.
So, when someone searches for you, what exactly are they seeing?
The answer is… “It depends.” Social media plays an important role in establishing your online presence. When you’re being searched, consider the results that may come up, such as your:
- Website
- Blog
- Google Plus
- Listing in directory services like Manta, Bing Local, Yahoo Local, Avvo, FindLaw, AICPA, Yelp, Martindale, Super Lawyers, and a plethora of industry membership directories
Being found online is usually a good thing, but it also can be a problem – especially if there’s something “out there” that you would prefer to keep quiet. That is why you should always know how and where you show up in search results.
In other words, Google yourself using your name and profession. Review the first couple of pages of results and see what’s there. Hopefully it’s all good and accurate, but you can usually correct or improve whatever you find.
For instance, if you find yourself on Manta, Yelp, or another directory listing and you haven’t claimed your profile, you can often do so for free. That way you will be calling the shots, and you can ensure the information listed is complete and up-to-date.
If you have social media profiles that you started but never finished, or have an incomplete work history floating around, take a few minutes to log in and complete your profile. If you’re on LinkedIn, or if you have a blog, is your profile or contact page clear and understandable? Is your biographical info/CV up to date and accurate?
Whatever it is that you want to be known for, all roads should lead to your Website/Blogsite. These sites should act as the hub of all your online marketing efforts.
Sometimes there are unusual circumstances that might make a person’s Google results rather negative. The good news is that if you’ve had bad or inaccurate press, you can try to get it removed. A client and I did just that by politely asking the webmaster of the offending site what it would take to have the less-than-flattering results removed. In our case, the information was removed the next day.
Lesson learned: You don’t know if they will honor your request until you ask, and you won’t know to ask if you don’t look for what’s out there in the first place.
After all, nearly all of your prospective clients – and those who may refer you – are looking you up online. Take control of your online reputation by following these tips. You can find more ideas and best practices at phoneBlogger.net.
We’ve written several articles about using blogging and social media to foster Word of Mouth referrals.
Feel free to check them out at phoneBlogger.net/Blog.
We’d love to hear your feedback –
you can comment or ask questions in the “Leave a Reply” section below!
Mark Bullock
Telephone: (631) 754-0800
Email: Mark@phoneBlogger.net
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