Are My Blog & Website Mobile-Friendly by Vikram Ragan

{2 minutes to read} One of our clients emailed me a question, “Vik, I was wondering if you think my main website is mobile-friendly?” This is how I answered my client’s question:

1) Your main website is not mobile-friendly, Google offers this tool & solutions (which are more than a lay person can handle):

Google Mobile-Friendly Test

“What can I do to fix it?” she asked.

2) Your main website can become mobile-friendly by turning it into a WordPress website, and incorporating your blog.

She also wrote, “Someone said that it wasn’t stacking.”

3) As a stop-gap solution, we created your Blog on WordPress, which does “stack,” i.e., it is mobile-friendly. (And of course, directs people back to your main website.)

Take a look at your blog on a desktop, and then on your phone. See how it looks different? It becomes more vertical (stacked); that’s what Google wants to see. Supposedly that’s better for mobile users.

Her email continued, “Someone told me that Google isn’t showing websites, unless the sites are mobile friendly.”

On April 21st, Google announced that it is “boosting the ranking of mobile-friendly pages on mobile search results.” Here is a link to their short & simple announcement:

4) Google is definitely recognizing & showing non-mobile websites (just Google your name on your phone.) Saying anything to the contrary is a scare tactic. However, Google will now start prioritizing mobile friendly sites & labeling them as such (see image above)… or Google yourself on your phone:

How does your website look on your phone? Questions like these help me think such issues through. What other questions do you have?

Vikram Rajan, Co-Founder of


Vikram Rajan, Co-Founder
Telephone: (888) 952-4630