Mark Bullock


About Mark Bullock

Mark Bullock is Co-Founder of, and a Partner with Practice Marketing, Inc.

Facebook’s Instant Articles: Useful for Professional Services?


{3:12 minutes to read} Social media has revolutionized marketing in some ways by providing opportunities for free and fast marketing. The technology in this space changes quickly; the options that are available now will most likely be very different down the road.   As the social media landscape continues to evolve, we research and vet [...]

Facebook’s Instant Articles: Useful for Professional Services?2018-03-27T08:08:23-04:00

Word-of-Mouth Marketing vs Advertising


{3:15 minutes to read} At Practice Marketing, Inc., we feel that word-of-mouth marketing yields more long-term and higher quality results than advertising does. This is because there’s an implied trust that comes with word-of-mouth marketing, especially if you’re reinforcing it with educational and informational content in the form of blog posts, newsletters, articles, and social [...]

Word-of-Mouth Marketing vs Advertising2018-03-27T08:09:20-04:00

Starters & Finishers – Part 2: Can You Be Both?


{4:20 minutes to read} Everybody’s a starter and everybody’s a finisher. As I mentioned in Starters & Finishers – Part 1: Which Are You? we can all start and we can all finish. How close you are to the center line determines how easy it is to do one or the other. There are a [...]

Starters & Finishers – Part 2: Can You Be Both?2018-03-27T08:10:08-04:00

Starters & Finishers – Part 1: Which Are You?


{3:36 minutes to read} Years ago I read a book by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt called The Power of Focus in which the authors touched on the concept of people being either “starters” or “finishers.” As the years have gone by, I’ve hired a lot of people and have had to [...]

Starters & Finishers – Part 1: Which Are You?2018-03-27T08:10:14-04:00

We’ve Been Hiding Something from You:-) You’re Now Being Published on LinkedIn


{2:15 minutes to read} phoneBlogger has begun publishing your blog articles to LinkedIn Publisher. This is part of a new feature available on LinkedIn. What is LinkedIn Publisher? Here’s what LinkedIn says: Your original content becomes part of your professional profile. It is displayed on the posts section of your LinkedIn profile. It’s shared with [...]

We’ve Been Hiding Something from You:-) You’re Now Being Published on LinkedIn2018-03-28T00:31:55-04:00

How to Market Yourself During Conference Season


{3:50 minutes to read} Business professionals often wonder: Is it worthwhile to market my practice during the various conferences I attend? At Practice Marketing, we’ve used conferences for marketing for a number of years, and fairly successfully. Whenever possible, we try to be in a room full of potential clients. […]

How to Market Yourself During Conference Season2018-03-28T00:32:19-04:00

Are You Building Yourself a Business or a Job?


{5:00 minutes to read} A number of years ago, a fellow by the name of Michael Gerber wrote a book called The E-Myth Revisited. Michael relayed the story of a baker who had started his own bakeshop and found himself essentially to be a chef, cook and bottle washer. After going out and shaking the trees [...]

Are You Building Yourself a Business or a Job?2018-03-28T00:32:45-04:00

What Is CRM & Does Your Business Need It?


{3:30 minutes to read} Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is basically a hub where people organize, store and stay in touch with their customers or clients, whether for a service, product or company. Unlike a standard contact list or email program designed for a single user, CRM is more functional and interactive. It allows you to [...]

What Is CRM & Does Your Business Need It?2018-03-28T00:33:10-04:00

Are Your LinkedIn Group Postings Being Auto-Moved to Jobs?


{3:40 minutes to read} Since LinkedIn’s recent “improvements,” certain group postings have been reassigned to the “Jobs” category – which may be a glitch in LinkedIn’s algorithms or an intentional feature. LinkedIn has continually updated and adapted its moderation policy, including what moderators are allowed or prohibited from doing. In fact, we at phoneBlogger have [...]

Are Your LinkedIn Group Postings Being Auto-Moved to Jobs?2018-03-28T00:33:34-04:00

What Can a Virtual Marketing Assistant Do for You?


{4:20 minutes to read} Relationships take time, but one of the things you can do to help offset that is to use a virtual marketing assistant. In the early days of Practice Marketing, long before phoneBlogger came into play, Vik and I would sit with professional services clients – attorneys, CPAs, financial advisors, etc. – [...]

What Can a Virtual Marketing Assistant Do for You?2018-03-28T04:41:47-04:00

Is Social Media Getting You Referrals?


{4:54 minutes to read} Clients ask if we can advise them on how they can get more likes and interactions on their social media. There are many ways to encourage people to like your Facebook business page or LinkedIn company page including direct invites, giveaways, prize drawings and other enticements. But I keep going back [...]

Is Social Media Getting You Referrals?2018-03-28T04:43:36-04:00

Online Reputation Management: Part 3 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff


{4:00 minutes to read} In Part 1 and Part 2, we shared tips and solutions to take control of your online brand. In Part 3, we continue revealing ways to bury negative search results on search engines: 6. If you really want to take advantage of getting your name and fresh content out there on [...]

Online Reputation Management: Part 3 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff2018-03-28T04:45:05-04:00

Online Reputation Management: Part 2 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff


{3:20 minutes to read} In Part 1, we shared the story about someone who was trying to overcome the negative results Google produced about themselves. To help solve this problem, he (or you) can do what many others are doing: Bury the negative results by pushing it as far back on Google as possible. Even [...]

Online Reputation Management: Part 2 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff2018-03-28T04:45:48-04:00

Online Reputation Management: Part 1 – What Is It, & Why Is It Important?


{3:40 minutes to read} When you Google yourself, what comes up? Is it you or your website? Does someone else with the same or a similar name as you come up? What are you finding there if it is you? Is it positive, negative or in the middle? Maybe you don’t want people seeing the [...]

Online Reputation Management: Part 1 – What Is It, & Why Is It Important?2018-03-28T04:46:49-04:00

Boost Your Referrals with Social Media Relationships


{4:08 minutes to read} A client of mine recently asked: How do I engage more with social media to enhance my professional network? My answer was that engaging is all about establishing and nurturing relationships with centers of influence (COI) and/or potential clients. It’s my opinion that the whole social media landscape is just a [...]

Boost Your Referrals with Social Media Relationships2018-03-28T04:47:36-04:00

Pay-Per-Click: Costly Mistakes to Avoid


{3:55 minutes to read} If you are considering Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, there are many providers to choose from including Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Google is the largest player in the game, raking in 80+% of the search market. Years ago, getting visitors by utilizing PPC was fairly easy, but today the competition is formidable. For [...]

Pay-Per-Click: Costly Mistakes to Avoid2018-03-28T04:48:12-04:00

Does Business Feel Like a Roller Coaster? 5 Tips to Leverage the Ups & Downs


{3:00 minutes to read} Any number of things can affect the ebb and flow of business. Acknowledge that there will be cycles, and use the downtime wisely. I often see clients in professional services experience being busy one month, but not the next. The workflow gets crazy busy for a while, and then it’s like [...]

Does Business Feel Like a Roller Coaster? 5 Tips to Leverage the Ups & Downs2018-03-28T04:49:04-04:00

Endorsements, Recommendations & Referrals, Oh My!


{2:42 minutes to read} When speaking with clients in respect to their marketing efforts, I see a lot of endorsements or recommendations – that are referred to as referrals. What’s the Difference? If you and I are talking and I say, “Oh, you should talk to Mary Jane about your problem. She’s an attorney over [...]

Endorsements, Recommendations & Referrals, Oh My!2018-03-28T04:50:32-04:00

TimeStamp Feature – Aims to Increase Your Readership!


{2:25 minutes to read} We’re solidifying “timestamping” as part of phoneBlogger’s standard practice. People’s attention spans are very short online; for this reason, when their inbox is overflowing with newsletters, articles, etc., they can become easily overwhelmed. We know that many people will skim through an article, especially if it’s more than a screen-page long, [...]

TimeStamp Feature – Aims to Increase Your Readership!2018-03-28T04:51:11-04:00


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