Marketing Community

The Golden Rule of Marketing


Aside from a related LinkedIn lawsuit, the #1 apprehension I hear to uploading contacts into LinkedIn is the fear that their colleagues will get spammed by other members. I squash that concern by showing them the mechanisms that prevent mass blasting. I further explain that we’re all spammed everyday; we only choose to work with [...]

The Golden Rule of Marketing2013-09-25T11:56:28-04:00

Networking Best Practices, for Mediators


On Feb 5th, 2013, the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM) had us back to present more marketing insights. Mark Bullock keynoted at their inaugural conference in Cape Cod in 2012. Now, in the first of a series of 4 webinars, Mark asked me (Vik Rajan) a series of questions about "physical networking." Here's a [...]

Networking Best Practices, for Mediators2013-03-11T16:15:53-04:00

Marketing ideas for Accountants & Attorneys


Whatever you call it: accountant marketing, marketing accounting or CPA services; lawyer marketing, law firm marketing; client development, networking, referral / word of mouth marketing, seminar marketing, blog / blawg, e-newsletters, book marketing; personal branding, or rainmaking: Let’s discuss it in our own LinkedIn group (of course, you must first be a LinkedIn member). It’s [...]

Marketing ideas for Accountants & Attorneys2012-06-21T18:58:34-04:00

Seminar Marketing


A new way to zero in on new clientele. October 18, 2010 by Vikram Rajan “Seminar Marketing” is a catch-all phrase that includes public presentations, speaking engagements and classes. In some form, it should be a mainstay of your Marketing Action Plan (MAP). When done right, seminars produce a bounty of leads, client loyalty and [...]

Seminar Marketing2018-03-28T05:56:27-04:00

Make Your Year-End Count


Five marketing strategies show you how You survived September’s quarterlies, and this month’s extensions. As you begin to endure the flurry of compilations, audits, and review, don’t let your marketing lapse! The last quarter is the perfect time for CPAs to grow new business, for two main reasons: 1.In the next few weeks, you will [...]

Make Your Year-End Count2018-03-28T05:56:48-04:00


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