Marketing Content

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic


Blogging can brand you an expert. Moreover, your blog can also help you leverage the reputation & recognition of others. By co-blogging, you can leverage each other’s time, topics & traffic. Here are 3 models, 2 examples each, of how bloggers are exchanging content & contacts: 1) Cooperative Bloggers, like Healthcare in Compliance or The [...]

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic2013-08-27T02:01:41-04:00

25 Blog Article Ideas: our ‘new & improved’ blog post brainstormer


One of the most frustrating aspects of blogging is thinking of new ideas. So, we’ve improved on the Blog Brainstormer that we’ve been using for so long. Originally, we used my AICPA ‘CPA Insider’ newsletter column. But we now have more blog post ideas; and more ways to come up with more article ideas. So I’d [...]

25 Blog Article Ideas: our ‘new & improved’ blog post brainstormer2013-07-08T07:36:06-04:00

Content is NOT King.


I don't know who first coined the phrase, "Content is King," but it is quite bandied about in blogging circles. Perhaps it's the Internet's version of  "Publish or Perish." Publishing regular content is vital for the health of your website SEO (all hints of Google's secret sauce algorithm point to fresh, relevant content). Publishing interesting [...]

Content is NOT King.2013-01-18T04:01:51-05:00

Why Blog?


Many professionals ask, “Why Should I Blog?”  Many have heard about it but they don’t necessarily understand what blogging is unless they’ve actually done it.  The primary reason you, as a professional practitioner should be blogging, is to showcase your experience and expertise, which will help you become a Branded ExpertTM in your field.  Here’s [...]

Why Blog?2018-03-28T05:52:55-04:00

Has Your Marketing Plan Failed You?


How using a dashboard can make all the difference. A marketing plan is typically a bound document, predicting the right actions for growth. It usually covers more than a few months, often a year and sometimes longer. It includes your vision, interim goals and other purpose statements of why you’re doing what you intend on [...]

Has Your Marketing Plan Failed You?2012-06-20T22:29:53-04:00


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