Marketing Currency

Be Interviewed on Our New YouTube Podcast


Who recommends you? Who do you recommend? On Pareto’s Principle alone, most likely more than 80% of your lucrative clients come from less than 20% of these Referral Relationships. What are you doing to nurture such cross-marketing? What if every 1 of your clients brought you 1 more client? That’s how we start the pB Intro [...]

Be Interviewed on Our New YouTube Podcast2018-03-28T05:41:57-04:00

The Golden Rule of Marketing


Aside from a related LinkedIn lawsuit, the #1 apprehension I hear to uploading contacts into LinkedIn is the fear that their colleagues will get spammed by other members. I squash that concern by showing them the mechanisms that prevent mass blasting. I further explain that we’re all spammed everyday; we only choose to work with [...]

The Golden Rule of Marketing2013-09-25T11:56:28-04:00

3 ways to Grow Your Accounting Practice During Tax Season


Marketing does not have to take a back seat just because you are swamped during tax season. In fact, this is one of the best times to grow your practice. Your prospective clients are right now getting frustrated with their current practitioner because they are: – Dealing with an inexperienced tax preparer — not you, [...]

3 ways to Grow Your Accounting Practice During Tax Season2018-03-28T05:54:21-04:00


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