An Easy Way to Get Started with Lead Magnets

2024-11-12T16:38:16-05:00 So you created a clever call to action for your audience but realize you can not follow up with them once they have done it. How can you increase the value of their interest? Mark Bullock, co-founder and COO of, suggests you ask them to send you an email requesting whatever you [...]

An Easy Way to Get Started with Lead Magnets2024-11-12T16:38:16-05:00

3 Words: Unlock the Potential for Success

2024-11-12T16:39:06-05:00 According to Mark Bullock, co-founder and COO of, three words can unlock your potential for success. Those words are Inspiration, Accountability, and Consistency. Each of these feeds off the other. When you are inspired, and people see the results, they are inspired. When you are accountable and forming accountable partnerships, you get [...]

3 Words: Unlock the Potential for Success2024-11-12T16:39:06-05:00

Did You Acknowledge Them Yet? [VIDEO]


Co-founder, Mark Bullock, wants you to put your audience into the forefront of your mind when creating marketing content. Empathize with their struggles. Show your appreciation for them being your client or even just watching your video or reading your article. Watch more videos at Stay up to date, get our newsletter [...]

Did You Acknowledge Them Yet? [VIDEO]2022-03-14T14:42:43-04:00

“Thanks” Giving to Others


Do you think some people are just plain rotten? co-founder Mark Bullock is asking that this Thanksgiving season you look for the redeeming quality of everyone, even the most “rotten” of people. Watch the video to learn how he looks for the good in people. Stay up to date, get our newsletter [...]

“Thanks” Giving to Others2021-11-22T11:43:15-05:00

What’s Your Most Engaging Topic?


Mark Bullock, Co-founder of and, provides some simple and easy tips to make your content more engaging. Stay up to date, get our newsletter Transcript: We all know that it's best to open with a question or a bold statement. The next level from that is is that if that question [...]

What’s Your Most Engaging Topic?2021-10-06T14:42:25-04:00

How Politically Correct Does Your content Need to Be?


Do you find that people seem to be getting offended by expressions you’ve heard or said your whole life? co-founder, Mark Bullock shares a few examples of things he’s always said or heard and now has to think twice about. Stay up to date, get our newsletter Transcript: So, just how politically [...]

How Politically Correct Does Your content Need to Be?2021-09-24T14:24:23-04:00

The Importance of Setting Audience Expectations [VIDEO]

2021-08-31T11:58:33-04:00 Co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains the importance of letting your audience know what level of accountability you have for yourself and what expectation you have of them as a new client or member. Transcript: Why is setting the expectations of your target audience when you’re creating content important? Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, I’m the co [...]

The Importance of Setting Audience Expectations [VIDEO]2021-08-31T11:58:33-04:00

A Dirty Little Secret About Social Media Content [VIDEO]

2021-05-19T07:25:51-04:00 and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, shares one action you can take across social media platforms that will take your social media campaign to the next level. Transcript: So, I’ve got a dirty little secret for you when it comes to social media. Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and . And [...]

A Dirty Little Secret About Social Media Content [VIDEO]2021-05-19T07:25:51-04:00

Endorsements, Recommendations, Referrals, Oh My! [VIDEO]

2020-03-11T10:58:31-04:00 and Co-Founder Mark Bullock defines endorsements, recommendations, and referrals in terms of word-of-mouth marketing, and explains how they fit into the plan to get what you ultimately want, which is more effective than all three. Mark Bullock (631) 754-0800

Endorsements, Recommendations, Referrals, Oh My! [VIDEO]2020-03-11T10:58:31-04:00

Spring Cleaning Your Online Marketing: Your Prospects Will Notice the Cobwebs


{3:00 minutes to read} Your online reputation — and brand presence — is an integral part of your marketing. It needs consistent care, attention, and maintenance. And as such, the change in season whether it be spring, summer, fall or winter is a good time to take stock of your digital presence and see exactly [...]

Spring Cleaning Your Online Marketing: Your Prospects Will Notice the Cobwebs2019-06-21T16:04:46-04:00

When is the Right Time to Send Your Article?


{3:50 minutes to read} What time is the right time to send your email newsletter to promote your blog? At we have a set of best practices that maximize your audience and your impact. Many sources, including Constant Contact, have determined what times are best to post to social media or send email newsletters. Friday afternoons [...]

When is the Right Time to Send Your Article?2018-03-28T04:48:39-04:00

Why Is It Imperative to Google Yourself?


Did you know that 86% of people searching for products and services they don’t regularly use, like legal or financial services, will first search online, usually with Google? That’s before they ask their friends and colleagues for a referral! Even if a curious consumer is not looking to contract a professional service provider, they are [...]

Why Is It Imperative to Google Yourself?2018-03-28T05:01:54-04:00

LinkedIn Group Moderation – What’s Going On?!


A fairly recent “enhancement” on LinkedIn Groups is causing a bit of a tissy amongst members, as some posters to Group Discussions are all of a sudden getting notices that their discussions have been temporarily placed into “Moderation” across all groups. (Copy of an actual notice at the bottom of this article). This is a [...]

LinkedIn Group Moderation – What’s Going On?!2018-03-28T05:36:14-04:00

The Golden Rule of Marketing


Aside from a related LinkedIn lawsuit, the #1 apprehension I hear to uploading contacts into LinkedIn is the fear that their colleagues will get spammed by other members. I squash that concern by showing them the mechanisms that prevent mass blasting. I further explain that we’re all spammed everyday; we only choose to work with [...]

The Golden Rule of Marketing2013-09-25T11:56:28-04:00

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic


Blogging can brand you an expert. Moreover, your blog can also help you leverage the reputation & recognition of others. By co-blogging, you can leverage each other’s time, topics & traffic. Here are 3 models, 2 examples each, of how bloggers are exchanging content & contacts: 1) Cooperative Bloggers, like Healthcare in Compliance or The [...]

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic2013-08-27T02:01:41-04:00

How Do Your Clients Know That You’re the Best?


Mark and I started to help our clients establish themselves as Branded Experts™ and to grow their Internet-based referrals. This column, published on AICPA’s on March 19, 2012, explores the concept of how CPA’s can establish themselves as “the best.” Accountants find themselves in humbling positions where they don’t want to necessarily brag [...]

How Do Your Clients Know That You’re the Best?2018-03-28T05:51:22-04:00

Distinguish Your Practice


On May 11, 2010, I was a panelist on AICPA/PCPS’ webinar: The Future Is Write Now: How marketing your expertise must change! I previewed the webinar in my April column. Pithy writing sparks more referrals when your practice is already distinguished. More and more CPA practices are becoming specialized and focused. Thus, many accountants are [...]

Distinguish Your Practice2012-06-21T19:01:49-04:00

U.S. Court of Appeals rules New York Attorney Advertising Rules: UNCONSTITUTIONAL


I have been speaking about this for the past month… on Friday, Mark Bullock & I will be presenting a CLE seminar to the New York State Council for Divorce Mediation. We will be sharing many marketing techniques for up and coming divorce mediators. Many of them are practicing attorneys, and thus must comply with [...]

U.S. Court of Appeals rules New York Attorney Advertising Rules: UNCONSTITUTIONAL2012-06-21T18:50:18-04:00


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