Word of Mouth Marketing

Do You Have Any Idea What Your Website Visitors Are Doing?


Once you’ve made the decision to start authoring educational blog articles in order to boost your word-of-mouth referrals, you may find that some of the terminology is confusing at first – but knowing what it means can greatly improve your ability to maximize your site. For the purposes of this article we’re going to focus [...]

Do You Have Any Idea What Your Website Visitors Are Doing?2018-03-28T05:38:30-04:00

What Does it Take to Build a Successful Professional Practice?


Quite often a client or prospective client will ask, in one form or another ,”What does it take to make my professional practice successful?” What they are typically defining “successful” as is making a living at it. Below is my response to a Family Mediator client, and although it’s written with a Mediation practice in [...]

What Does it Take to Build a Successful Professional Practice?2018-03-28T05:41:50-04:00

Want to write a book? BoB it quickly…


Have you been procrastinating on a great book idea? Have you gotten around to outlining its chapters, its main points? That’s the first step. Then, there’s a simple way to have the book practically write itself. Authoring a book brands you an expert. TV, radio, print media & blog interviews – and speaking invitations – [...]

Want to write a book? BoB it quickly…2018-03-28T05:44:00-04:00

Google’s “Newish” Social SEO


Your SEO marketing efforts may be going to waste. Before you fall for those “We’ll get you to the top of Google” schemes, read this: Do you keep your Gmail open all day? What about all those who use YouTube, Google Drive or login with their Google Account in some way? They are in Google’s [...]

Google’s “Newish” Social SEO2013-10-12T14:24:47-04:00

Is Your Response Time Costing You Money?


I, like many of you, am often in email purgatory. My inbox “overflowith” with staff questions & updates, client requests & questions, personal email, industry news, social media requests & updates, junk mail, etc, etc. And mixed in with this daily storm of emails are the occasional inquiries from referrals, or our website. I must [...]

Is Your Response Time Costing You Money?2018-03-28T05:48:25-04:00

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic


Blogging can brand you an expert. Moreover, your blog can also help you leverage the reputation & recognition of others. By co-blogging, you can leverage each other’s time, topics & traffic. Here are 3 models, 2 examples each, of how bloggers are exchanging content & contacts: 1) Cooperative Bloggers, like Healthcare in Compliance or The [...]

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic2013-08-27T02:01:41-04:00

What Does It Take to Get Referrals? Three Little Words.


Since word of mouth marketing is king in professional service industries, we recognize that professional services are built on the magic triad of: Know Like Trust People need to know, like, and trust you before they are going to do business with you.  It’s not so much about business to business marketing, as much as [...]

What Does It Take to Get Referrals? Three Little Words.2018-03-28T05:48:40-04:00

Networking Best Practices, for Mediators


On Feb 5th, 2013, the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM) had us back to present more marketing insights. Mark Bullock keynoted at their inaugural conference in Cape Cod in 2012. Now, in the first of a series of 4 webinars, Mark asked me (Vik Rajan) a series of questions about "physical networking." Here's a [...]

Networking Best Practices, for Mediators2013-03-11T16:15:53-04:00

Content is NOT King.


I don't know who first coined the phrase, "Content is King," but it is quite bandied about in blogging circles. Perhaps it's the Internet's version of  "Publish or Perish." Publishing regular content is vital for the health of your website SEO (all hints of Google's secret sauce algorithm point to fresh, relevant content). Publishing interesting [...]

Content is NOT King.2013-01-18T04:01:51-05:00

Which social network is right for you?


The Editor of AICPA’s “CPA Insider,” Sukanya Mitra, originally asked me to write a column in response to Pinterest’s rapid growth.  I retorted with an explanation of the demographic that Pinterest addresses:  It is not that congruent with a professional journal or publication, specifically for CPA’s.  You can read my full explanation in the column. [...]

Which social network is right for you?2018-03-28T05:51:40-04:00

Turning Networking Lemons into Lemonade


A client recently expressed disappointment in a poorly attended networking event with a self promoting organizer.  His feeling was that it had been a total waste of his time. I remember attending an event where the self-important organizer/speaker droned on and on – I didn’t want to sit there listening to him “waste my time”. [...]

Turning Networking Lemons into Lemonade2018-03-28T05:52:02-04:00


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