Mark Bullock

Your Newsletter: Just Passing Through?


{4:45 minutes to read} We typically call the monthly email we send out for our clients a newsletter, but most times it’s actually a custom digest email of their blog articles. That’s by design, and there’s a lot that goes into each newsletter. Now, while a newsletter is a good vehicle to share content, we [...]

Your Newsletter: Just Passing Through?2018-03-27T07:54:25-04:00

Someone Wants to Share MY Article on their Blog & Newsletter? Good Idea, Yes or No? Part 2


{3:45 minutes to read} In Part 1, I brought up several questions to ask yourself and any party requesting to share your articles on their blog or website. Below are some other ways in which your article may be shared that can present additional pitfalls. […]

Someone Wants to Share MY Article on their Blog & Newsletter? Good Idea, Yes or No? Part 22018-03-27T07:54:51-04:00

Is Your Website/Blog Missing the Nuts and Bolts Your Visitors Expect to See?


{5:55 minutes to read} As I’ve mentioned before, if a visitor comes to your website who’s a potential client, and they don’t find the information they’re looking for, they’re likely going to go searching the Internet for somewhere else to find it. You can just assume that. Don’t send visitors away from your website! Asking [...]

Is Your Website/Blog Missing the Nuts and Bolts Your Visitors Expect to See?2018-03-27T07:55:28-04:00

Someone Wants to Share My Article on their Blog & Newsletter? Good Idea, Yes or No? Part 1


{2:50 minutes to read} You’ve done a great job writing blog articles that others find informative and interesting—so much so that others want to include your content on their site. On the surface and in practice, most of the time, it’s a great idea, but sometimes it may not be. Ask yourself these questions: [...]

Someone Wants to Share My Article on their Blog & Newsletter? Good Idea, Yes or No? Part 12018-03-27T07:57:50-04:00

Article Swapping: Encourage What Goes Around—to Come Around


{3:50 minutes to read} Article swapping is an excellent opportunity to leverage content others have published on their blogs/websites. Excellent example: Our client, Ada Hasloecher, a divorce mediator, referenced an article on spousal maintenance written by a colleague, Clare Piro, who is also a client. Clare’s well-written article—which cited Dan Burns—another mediator, and client—discussed using [...]

Article Swapping: Encourage What Goes Around—to Come Around2018-03-27T07:58:56-04:00

How You Present Your Content on Mobile Devices Has Reached Critical Mass


{6:25 minutes to read} In the general context of business, we have to recognize the continuing movement toward more mobilization—starting from PalmPilots and laptops to now regularly conducting business on a smartphone.  I’ve done other posts in the past discussing the need for your website to be mobile optimized—not just mobile friendly, but mobile optimized. [...]

How You Present Your Content on Mobile Devices Has Reached Critical Mass2018-03-27T08:00:14-04:00

Why Are You Sending Your Prospects to Competitors?


{2:15 minutes to read} If you don’t have ALL of the information and answers that your prospective clients are looking for on your website, that’s exactly what you are doing. To say “times have changed” in the online marketing world would be an understatement. Your website/blog can no longer be just teaser information or espouse [...]

Why Are You Sending Your Prospects to Competitors?2018-03-27T08:01:24-04:00

How to Capture the Attention of a Prospect…Long Before They Seek out Your Services? Start an Advice Column!


{3:10 minutes to read} An advice column opens a dialog with potential clients who are seeking “help” and who might not yet know that your service could be their best option. An advice column presents a real opportunity to broaden your audience. It is a totally separate engagement from what your blog posts provide. An [...]

How to Capture the Attention of a Prospect…Long Before They Seek out Your Services? Start an Advice Column!2018-03-27T08:04:00-04:00

Don’t Blast Your Sales Message to New Contacts—Try This Instead!


{4:48 minutes to read} For the majority of professional service providers (like most of you), you should realize you cannot depend solely on your online marketing & networking efforts as your only means of marketing. Offline (in-person) professional relationships cannot be replaced by online efforts, but they can be augmented and reinforced. Keep in mind [...]

Don’t Blast Your Sales Message to New Contacts—Try This Instead!2018-03-27T08:04:21-04:00

Our Love/Hate Relationship with Being Reminded


{4:15 minutes to read} How does phoneBlogger remind its clients of publication deadlines, approvals, and appointments? Like every business, we walk a fine line between being a nuisance and being diligent when communicating with our clients. I was speaking a week or so ago with one of our editors about reminding me, and other clients, [...]

Our Love/Hate Relationship with Being Reminded2018-03-27T08:04:45-04:00

7 Cross-Promotion Strategies to Boost Referrals


{4:15 minutes to read} There are a lot of different ways in which you can engage others in your co-marketing. In the world, we are, of course, focused primarily on blogs and newsletters. Cross promotion is the next level of marketing by utilizing these tools: Strategy #1: Quote Others Quoting others is the opportunity [...]

7 Cross-Promotion Strategies to Boost Referrals2018-03-27T08:05:10-04:00

LinkedIn Publisher (Pulse) Article Posting: Pros & Cons


{3:45 minutes to read} Breaking from tradition, we have been experimenting with sharing our client’s LinkedIn publisher or “Pulse articles” to their LinkedIn groups in lieu of sharing the external article. We are still doing blog articles for nearly all clients. We publish their blog posts’ excerpts and titles, then include links to the blog posts [...]

LinkedIn Publisher (Pulse) Article Posting: Pros & Cons2018-03-27T08:05:58-04:00

Marketing Fitness — 6 Key Strategies to Implement (Part 2)


{4:45 minutes to read} Continuing our discussion from the last blog post, today’s article examines some more health & fitness lessons that can be applied to marketing. Don’t overdo it. Although pushing yourself can be a good thing, you don’t want to take it too far. In physical fitness, when you feel a tingling or [...]

Marketing Fitness — 6 Key Strategies to Implement (Part 2)2018-03-27T08:06:20-04:00

Marketing Fitness — Don’t Sprint to Win the Marathon! (Part 1)


{4:50 minutes to read} When I was younger, with a rather extreme physical regimen of fitness including football, wrestling, tennis, weightlifting, etc., I often repeated the same cycle — I’d push myself too hard, get injured, and then I’d have to stop. And when I stopped, I stopped completely. I’d go from one extreme of [...]

Marketing Fitness — Don’t Sprint to Win the Marathon! (Part 1)2018-03-27T08:07:23-04:00

How to Get Your Email Newsletters Opened & Read!


{5:57 minutes to read} Email newsletters are an important part of engaging your clients and driving traffic to your blog. The first step in creating a good newsletter is choosing a good return email address. The ideal address should ideally start with your name@ (this makes it personal, not generic); next best is “info@”. The [...]

How to Get Your Email Newsletters Opened & Read!2018-03-27T08:07:40-04:00

Do You Promote Your Articles Through Your Personal Networks?


{2:05 minutes to read} Here at phoneBlogger, we work with most of our clients on promoting their original articles through newsletters as well as business & company pages on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, or Twitter. Clients might also have accounts on community networking sites like Gotham, for example. Most clients also [...]

Do You Promote Your Articles Through Your Personal Networks?2018-03-27T08:08:03-04:00

Facebook’s Instant Articles: Useful for Professional Services?


{3:12 minutes to read} Social media has revolutionized marketing in some ways by providing opportunities for free and fast marketing. The technology in this space changes quickly; the options that are available now will most likely be very different down the road.   As the social media landscape continues to evolve, we research and vet [...]

Facebook’s Instant Articles: Useful for Professional Services?2018-03-27T08:08:23-04:00

Word-of-Mouth Marketing vs Advertising


{3:15 minutes to read} At Practice Marketing, Inc., we feel that word-of-mouth marketing yields more long-term and higher quality results than advertising does. This is because there’s an implied trust that comes with word-of-mouth marketing, especially if you’re reinforcing it with educational and informational content in the form of blog posts, newsletters, articles, and social [...]

Word-of-Mouth Marketing vs Advertising2018-03-27T08:09:20-04:00

Starters & Finishers – Part 2: Can You Be Both?


{4:20 minutes to read} Everybody’s a starter and everybody’s a finisher. As I mentioned in Starters & Finishers – Part 1: Which Are You? we can all start and we can all finish. How close you are to the center line determines how easy it is to do one or the other. There are a [...]

Starters & Finishers – Part 2: Can You Be Both?2018-03-27T08:10:08-04:00

Starters & Finishers – Part 1: Which Are You?


{3:36 minutes to read} Years ago I read a book by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt called The Power of Focus in which the authors touched on the concept of people being either “starters” or “finishers.” As the years have gone by, I’ve hired a lot of people and have had to [...]

Starters & Finishers – Part 1: Which Are You?2018-03-27T08:10:14-04:00


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