Mark Bullock

9 Ways to Build a Blog You Can “Bank On” — Part 1


Why would you want to have a bank of articles for your blog? The short answer is that life happens: Vacations, sickness, family emergencies, unexpected car trouble, etc. Things happen everyday that can prevent us from keeping our schedules on track, or that interrupt our flow. When these challenges come up, if you have no [...]

9 Ways to Build a Blog You Can “Bank On” — Part 12018-03-28T05:00:44-04:00

How Can Blogging Turn Your Web Visitors Into Clients?


Working with phoneBlogger isn’t only about publishing fresh blog articles on your website; we want to increase the chances those individuals landing on your website will reach out to you – and potentially become a client! At phoneBlogger, we help our clients gain recognition and become branded experts in their field by blogging, and further [...]

How Can Blogging Turn Your Web Visitors Into Clients?2018-03-28T05:01:40-04:00

5 Secrets To Crafting The Ultimate Blog Title


The goal is always to capture the interest of the reader, to hook them and get them to read and share, but how do you pull that off? How do you make it concise and catchy, and if possible, informative and entertaining. Here are 5 techniques that we use to create a blog title that [...]

5 Secrets To Crafting The Ultimate Blog Title2018-03-28T05:29:43-04:00

Why Is It Imperative to Google Yourself?


Did you know that 86% of people searching for products and services they don’t regularly use, like legal or financial services, will first search online, usually with Google? That’s before they ask their friends and colleagues for a referral! Even if a curious consumer is not looking to contract a professional service provider, they are [...]

Why Is It Imperative to Google Yourself?2018-03-28T05:01:54-04:00

Do You Know the Value of a Blog Excerpt?


I recommend using excerpts for one purpose: To drive everyone back to the blog itself. Excerpts enable visitors to skim through for articles of interest. If we didn’t use the “excerpt” method on the blog listing page (where blogs are displayed sequentially), visitors would be scrolling down the page for days, which they simply won’t [...]

Do You Know the Value of a Blog Excerpt?2018-03-28T05:29:31-04:00

Are Your Event Invitations Being Ignored?


I recently received an invitation to an event which – due to its lack of information, polish and professionalism – made me question if I was the intended recipient. While many mistakes were obvious to me as the reader, essential yet missing components may not have been so obvious to the sender. Keep these tips [...]

Are Your Event Invitations Being Ignored?2018-03-28T05:31:15-04:00

Introducing the New Article Template

2018-03-28T05:33:32-04:00 is in the process of rolling out a new article template across the company. The revamp creates a standardization across the client base. For that reason, the new article template has a set of standards with a checklist – built right into the template – so clients can see it. It also serves as [...]

Introducing the New Article Template2018-03-28T05:33:32-04:00

Consistency, Frequency and Value: The 3 Elements of Getting & Maintaining Your Audience’s Attention


In the world of marketing, whatever it is that you choose to do, unless you are doing it consistently, you can’t know whether or not it will work. Many people I’ve spoken with over the years have said they have tried multiple marketing approaches – newsletters, advertising, social media, etc. – and that none of [...]

Consistency, Frequency and Value: The 3 Elements of Getting & Maintaining Your Audience’s Attention2018-03-28T05:35:34-04:00

Why We Encourage Cross Promotion in Social Media


Every service provides is designed to have people become aware of you, and then be consistently reminded of you. The frequency and number of social channels to which we syndicate and cross-promote your blog articles is because no one will notice or pay attention to all of it. People will only notice some of [...]

Why We Encourage Cross Promotion in Social Media2018-03-28T05:34:21-04:00

LinkedIn Group Moderation – What’s Going On?!


A fairly recent “enhancement” on LinkedIn Groups is causing a bit of a tissy amongst members, as some posters to Group Discussions are all of a sudden getting notices that their discussions have been temporarily placed into “Moderation” across all groups. (Copy of an actual notice at the bottom of this article). This is a [...]

LinkedIn Group Moderation – What’s Going On?!2018-03-28T05:36:14-04:00

What to Do with Social Media Comments


As our client, phoneBlogger’s standard practice is to promote your blog posts to your social media profiles and groups, generating new discussions. Discussions result in likes and/or comments within social networks, or directly on the blog post on your website. Responses can fall into one of 3 categories: 1. Positive or reinforcing of your point [...]

What to Do with Social Media Comments2018-03-28T05:37:30-04:00

Do You Have Any Idea What Your Website Visitors Are Doing?


Once you’ve made the decision to start authoring educational blog articles in order to boost your word-of-mouth referrals, you may find that some of the terminology is confusing at first – but knowing what it means can greatly improve your ability to maximize your site. For the purposes of this article we’re going to focus [...]

Do You Have Any Idea What Your Website Visitors Are Doing?2018-03-28T05:38:30-04:00

Why Do My LinkedIn Postings Show Up in Some of My Groups, but Not in Others?


I am often asked, “Why do my LinkedIn postings show up in some of my groups, but not in others?” To answer that, let’s look at the way groups work on LinkedIn. LinkedIn groups are formed by an individual or group of individuals who decide 1) whether they will moderate group discussion (e.g., filter anyone [...]

Why Do My LinkedIn Postings Show Up in Some of My Groups, but Not in Others?2018-03-28T05:39:59-04:00

Making Sense of Google+ Profiles and Pages to Best Promote Your Business-Related Articles


Google+ – like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter – is a social networking platform. Launched in June 2011 by the world’s most-used search engine, Google+ has become the second-largest social networking site in the world.* If your company already has a social media presence, you may be familiar with the concept of personal or professional “profiles” [...]

Making Sense of Google+ Profiles and Pages to Best Promote Your Business-Related Articles2018-03-28T05:40:26-04:00

Are you LinkedIn to Social Media?


If you are in professional services and you want to grow your business, you simply must embrace social media – specifically LinkedIn. For example, a client of ours who only recently opened a LinkedIn account: Has made more than 1,000 connections; Is a member of 50 groups (LinkedIn’s maximum); Gets dozens of comments on every [...]

Are you LinkedIn to Social Media?2018-03-28T05:46:07-04:00

Redefining Social Media’s 80-20 Rule


I just heard from a long­time client-turned-­friend that a speaker she heard was espousing the importance of spending 80% of our marketing time on personal connections – networking, public speaking and face­-to-­face meetings – and only 20% on social media. Even though I run a company heavily immersed in social media, I don’t think the [...]

Redefining Social Media’s 80-20 Rule2013-10-29T18:58:09-04:00

Is Your Response Time Costing You Money?


I, like many of you, am often in email purgatory. My inbox “overflowith” with staff questions & updates, client requests & questions, personal email, industry news, social media requests & updates, junk mail, etc, etc. And mixed in with this daily storm of emails are the occasional inquiries from referrals, or our website. I must [...]

Is Your Response Time Costing You Money?2018-03-28T05:48:25-04:00

Networking Best Practices, for Mediators


On Feb 5th, 2013, the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM) had us back to present more marketing insights. Mark Bullock keynoted at their inaugural conference in Cape Cod in 2012. Now, in the first of a series of 4 webinars, Mark asked me (Vik Rajan) a series of questions about "physical networking." Here's a [...]

Networking Best Practices, for Mediators2013-03-11T16:15:53-04:00

Newsletter Design, or no design?


The word 'newsletter' is charged with many preconceptions: Highly-designed (hopefully, "well-designed") templates, graphical & "boxy" as my partner, Mark puts it, i.e., with tables and sections, creatively arranged, with sidebars, call-outs, icons, and other buttons. But does all this help with results? E.g., open rates, click-through rates, and forwards? The numbers cause concern & debate. [...]

Newsletter Design, or no design?2013-02-09T12:03:56-05:00

Turning Networking Lemons into Lemonade


A client recently expressed disappointment in a poorly attended networking event with a self promoting organizer.  His feeling was that it had been a total waste of his time. I remember attending an event where the self-important organizer/speaker droned on and on – I didn’t want to sit there listening to him “waste my time”. [...]

Turning Networking Lemons into Lemonade2018-03-28T05:52:02-04:00


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