Vik Rajan


About Vikram Rajan

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So far Vikram Rajan has created 82 blog entries.

3 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers


{4:09 minutes to read} Twitter is best for anyone who wants to be seen on a stage. This includes the obvious people who are usually on stage, including performers, entertainers, and celebrities, but also government officials and politicians, authors, and subject matter experts. If you are looking for more speaking engagements and more opportunities to [...]

3 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers2018-03-27T07:59:29-04:00

Does Your Marketing Actually Make You Money?


We are pleased to share this article by guest author, Rod Bristol. OKAY! You went to your annual conference and heard the highly paid, highly profane keynote speaker rail at you for 90 minutes about how you need to run Facebook ads! You got convicted! You then went through the process of creating the ad, [...]

Does Your Marketing Actually Make You Money?2018-03-27T07:59:53-04:00

How a Newsletter is Helping One Lawyer to Keep his Firm Top of Mind [Interview]


  We are pleased to share this article by guest author, Richard Friedman. We interviewed New York employment and business litigator Richard Friedman to learn how he is helping to keep his five-lawyer firm top of “mouse”, i.e., mind, with potential referral sources by sending a newsletter. Continue reading         Vikram Rajan, [...]

How a Newsletter is Helping One Lawyer to Keep his Firm Top of Mind [Interview]2018-03-27T08:00:38-04:00

What’s the Right Length for Your Blog?


{3:07 minutes to read} There really isn’t one perfect length for blog articles. But given people’s short attention spans these days, you should make sure that readers remain interested from beginning to end. If you’re using your blog as a marketing vehicle, keep your articles short and simple. […]

What’s the Right Length for Your Blog?2018-03-27T08:00:59-04:00

4+ Surprising Benefits of Testimonials


{2:30 minutes to read} When we obtain a testimonial, we benefit in 4 ways: 1. When our clients say it in their own words, we’re able to fully understand the value that we’re providing. Sometimes testimonials on websites and brochures don’t sound “authentic” because they are not in the client’s actual words. 2. When clients [...]

4+ Surprising Benefits of Testimonials2018-03-27T08:01:42-04:00

The Final Phase of the Sales Funnel: Asking for Testimonials and Referrals


{2:55 minutes to read} As professional marketers, our goal is not to close the sale but to open a relationship. This is the difference between a customer and a client. When a potential client, aka “a prospect,” walks through the door or calls on the phone, the sales process has begun. A sales “funnel” is [...]

The Final Phase of the Sales Funnel: Asking for Testimonials and Referrals2018-03-27T08:03:03-04:00

Is Your AVP Still Right for You?


{3:27 minutes to read} More than just being informative and showcasing your expertise, your blog should be an expression of who you are… as a professional, and as a person. Your blog can be a handy tool for referrals. The more distinguished your blog is, the more interesting it tends to be. When someone reads [...]

Is Your AVP Still Right for You?2018-03-27T08:03:45-04:00

3 Ways to Measure Results


{4:00 minutes to read} There’s an old adage: “Only 20% of marketing works; 80% is a waste. We just don’t know which 80%!” Even worse, the 80% is a changing set: What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, and so forth. Unfortunately, much of marketing is trial & error and A/B testing. Still, I find [...]

3 Ways to Measure Results2018-03-27T08:05:36-04:00

7 Traits of Marketing Maestros


{2:20 minutes to read} I’ve only had one real boss: my father. He’s a deep thinker & very learned—inspirational to many people. He taught me pretty much everything I know in terms of business. I’d like to share one of the best lessons he taught me, which still rings true on a daily basis: 7 [...]

7 Traits of Marketing Maestros2018-03-27T08:08:39-04:00

Redesigning Your Website? I Told You So! Part 1


{4:20 minutes to read} One of my favorite blog article ideas on is in the client Q&A section. It’s often dubbed the “Anti-Success Story” or the “I-Told-You-So Story.” As an advisor to others, you may have had an opportunity to tell your clients not to do something, but for whatever reason, they went ahead [...]

Redesigning Your Website? I Told You So! Part 12018-03-27T08:09:16-04:00

3 Reasons to Keep Marketing During Your Busy Season


{4:30 minutes to read} Very often, during the barrage of business, there isn’t as much time or energy for marketing. Yet, the busy season doesn’t literally happen all at once: It happens sometimes over the course of 3 or 4 months, which means someone in that 2nd or 3rd month is very often being affected [...]

3 Reasons to Keep Marketing During Your Busy Season2018-03-27T08:10:02-04:00

Asking for Testimonials is AWKWARD! Not with These 6 Tricks…


{5:00 minutes to read} How often are you asking clients to give testimonials? When they thank you for the great service you’ve given them, how can you leverage that for more word-of-mouth referrals? Considering the ubiquity of social media sites like Yelp, Avvo, G+, Fb and LinkedIn Endorsements, it’s natural to question “the Truthiness” of [...]

Asking for Testimonials is AWKWARD! Not with These 6 Tricks…2018-03-28T04:41:28-04:00

Professional Online Networking Beyond Pop Social Media


{4:00 minutes to read} What do you think about when you hear the term “social media”? The field of online networking goes beyond what we traditionally think of as social media, which puts the emphasis on the social, on the fun & on the non-professional aspects of our life. But there’s a very healthy & [...]

Professional Online Networking Beyond Pop Social Media2018-03-28T04:43:15-04:00

5+ Ways We SEO Your Articles


{2:15 minutes to read} Recently a client emailed me to ask if we use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices to enhance the articles that we edit for her. At, we are SEO-conscious, and we use this knowledge when editing our client’s articles. Here’s how we “SEO” our client’s articles: 1. WordPress comes optimized for [...]

5+ Ways We SEO Your Articles2018-03-28T04:44:08-04:00

Are My Blog & Website Mobile-Friendly?


{2 minutes to read} One of our clients emailed me a question, “Vik, I was wondering if you think my main website is mobile-friendly?” This is how I answered my client’s question: 1) Your main website is not mobile-friendly, Google offers this tool & solutions (which are more than a lay person can handle): Google [...]

Are My Blog & Website Mobile-Friendly?2018-03-28T04:45:29-04:00

Are Your Email Lists VIP-Centric?


{4:15 minutes to read} Email marketing is convenient and efficient. Yet, efficiency & effectiveness are often counter to one another. Meaning, as something is more efficient, the less effective it often is. Very often the most effective forms of marketing aren’t a very efficient use of time or resources. However, quality time spent with VIP [...]

Are Your Email Lists VIP-Centric?2018-03-28T04:46:21-04:00

What’s Better than Know, Like, Trust?


{1:30 minutes to read} In order to be recommended, you must be remembered. “Know, Like, and Trust” has become an often bandied-about sales & marketing term. Productive relationships go through 3 phases: Knowing one another. Liking one another. And trusting in each other’s expertise & character: Each side must deliver on promises. […]

What’s Better than Know, Like, Trust?2018-03-28T04:47:15-04:00

When is the Right Time to Send Your Article?


{3:50 minutes to read} What time is the right time to send your email newsletter to promote your blog? At we have a set of best practices that maximize your audience and your impact. Many sources, including Constant Contact, have determined what times are best to post to social media or send email newsletters. Friday afternoons [...]

When is the Right Time to Send Your Article?2018-03-28T04:48:39-04:00

★ ☞ You WILL Believe These Top 2 Email Subject Line Best Practices ☜ ★


{3:45 minutes to read} People check more email more times a day more than any other social media combined. We all know this is true – anecdotally and personally – which is what makes email newsletters a mainstay of online and word-of-mouth marketing. Email newsletters are the perfect confluence between what is traditionally thought of [...]

★ ☞ You WILL Believe These Top 2 Email Subject Line Best Practices ☜ ★2018-03-28T04:50:16-04:00

New Ways to New Referral-Centric Blog Article Ideas


{3:30 minutes to read} In my last article, we introduced 2 new features available from In this post, I would like to introduce you to an additional value to the suite of services. Most of our clients are familiar with phoneBlogger’s focus has always been on referral-centric blog ideas. What do I [...]

New Ways to New Referral-Centric Blog Article Ideas2018-03-28T04:50:55-04:00


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