Vik Rajan


About Vikram Rajan

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So far Vikram Rajan has created 82 blog entries.

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic


Blogging can brand you an expert. Moreover, your blog can also help you leverage the reputation & recognition of others. By co-blogging, you can leverage each other’s time, topics & traffic. Here are 3 models, 2 examples each, of how bloggers are exchanging content & contacts: 1) Cooperative Bloggers, like Healthcare in Compliance or The [...]

6 Real Co-Blogging Examples to Leverage Time & Traffic2013-08-27T02:01:41-04:00

5 ways to use LinkedIn Groups


Here’s how to distinguish yourself – to meet new referral sources, clients, and friends. The vast majority of LinkedIn users don’t participate in Groups; but this is where the relationships blossom. I have many complaints about LinkedIn, many of which center around its latest redesign. Nevertheless, one of my favorite aspects of LinkedIn is its Groups. [...]

5 ways to use LinkedIn Groups2013-07-08T07:36:31-04:00

25 Blog Article Ideas: our ‘new & improved’ blog post brainstormer


One of the most frustrating aspects of blogging is thinking of new ideas. So, we’ve improved on the Blog Brainstormer that we’ve been using for so long. Originally, we used my AICPA ‘CPA Insider’ newsletter column. But we now have more blog post ideas; and more ways to come up with more article ideas. So I’d [...]

25 Blog Article Ideas: our ‘new & improved’ blog post brainstormer2013-07-08T07:36:06-04:00

5 tenets to make your blog post POP


Does your personality match the tone of your blog? Maybe that’s not a good thing! We don’t all have personalities that POP. And even if you do – here’s how you can make your blog – in the immortal words of Cosmo Kramer – “more you than you’ve ever been.” Previously, I’ve written about the [...]

5 tenets to make your blog post POP2013-05-24T02:45:41-04:00

What are our Top 5 Blogging Best Practices?


Done well, seminars and blogs brand you as the expert, and directly lead to new business, new word-of-mouth referrals, and more speaking engagements. Done poorly, it can be a waste of your time and money. Well, not a total waste: At least you’re getting your name out there. But will they remember it? Will they [...]

What are our Top 5 Blogging Best Practices?2013-04-25T11:08:59-04:00

Networking Best Practices, for Mediators


On Feb 5th, 2013, the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM) had us back to present more marketing insights. Mark Bullock keynoted at their inaugural conference in Cape Cod in 2012. Now, in the first of a series of 4 webinars, Mark asked me (Vik Rajan) a series of questions about "physical networking." Here's a [...]

Networking Best Practices, for Mediators2013-03-11T16:15:53-04:00

Newsletter Design, or no design?


The word 'newsletter' is charged with many preconceptions: Highly-designed (hopefully, "well-designed") templates, graphical & "boxy" as my partner, Mark puts it, i.e., with tables and sections, creatively arranged, with sidebars, call-outs, icons, and other buttons. But does all this help with results? E.g., open rates, click-through rates, and forwards? The numbers cause concern & debate. [...]

Newsletter Design, or no design?2013-02-09T12:03:56-05:00

Content is NOT King.


I don't know who first coined the phrase, "Content is King," but it is quite bandied about in blogging circles. Perhaps it's the Internet's version of  "Publish or Perish." Publishing regular content is vital for the health of your website SEO (all hints of Google's secret sauce algorithm point to fresh, relevant content). Publishing interesting [...]

Content is NOT King.2013-01-18T04:01:51-05:00

How Do Your Clients Know That You’re the Best?


Mark and I started to help our clients establish themselves as Branded Experts™ and to grow their Internet-based referrals. This column, published on AICPA’s on March 19, 2012, explores the concept of how CPA’s can establish themselves as “the best.” Accountants find themselves in humbling positions where they don’t want to necessarily brag [...]

How Do Your Clients Know That You’re the Best?2018-03-28T05:51:22-04:00

Which social network is right for you?


The Editor of AICPA’s “CPA Insider,” Sukanya Mitra, originally asked me to write a column in response to Pinterest’s rapid growth.  I retorted with an explanation of the demographic that Pinterest addresses:  It is not that congruent with a professional journal or publication, specifically for CPA’s.  You can read my full explanation in the column. [...]

Which social network is right for you?2018-03-28T05:51:40-04:00

Your Marketing Cheat Sheet – Four quadrants that can help grow your business.


Originally this column was a lot longer when it was published on June 25, 2012.  It was extremely complex and laborious mainly because the Practice Marketing Cheatsheet is equally so.  It is arranged in four quadrants: the top two pertains to traditional marketing; the bottom two focus on Internet marketing.  This column focuses on the [...]

Your Marketing Cheat Sheet – Four quadrants that can help grow your business.2018-03-28T05:52:29-04:00

Marketing ideas for Accountants & Attorneys


Whatever you call it: accountant marketing, marketing accounting or CPA services; lawyer marketing, law firm marketing; client development, networking, referral / word of mouth marketing, seminar marketing, blog / blawg, e-newsletters, book marketing; personal branding, or rainmaking: Let’s discuss it in our own LinkedIn group (of course, you must first be a LinkedIn member). It’s [...]

Marketing ideas for Accountants & Attorneys2012-06-21T18:58:34-04:00

3 ways to Grow Your Accounting Practice During Tax Season


Marketing does not have to take a back seat just because you are swamped during tax season. In fact, this is one of the best times to grow your practice. Your prospective clients are right now getting frustrated with their current practitioner because they are: – Dealing with an inexperienced tax preparer — not you, [...]

3 ways to Grow Your Accounting Practice During Tax Season2018-03-28T05:54:21-04:00

Consistency is the key to blogging, networking & newsletters


Over the summer, my partner (Mark Bullock) and I finally became frustrated! We would show our clients what to do, how to do it, and even schedule marketing activities into our clients’ calendar. Inevitably, some exigent client or staff matter would arise. Our clients simply could not take time away from clients, practice management, or [...]

Consistency is the key to blogging, networking & newsletters2018-03-28T05:55:21-04:00

Six Marketing Seasons


Sow your marketing seeds now before tax season really besieges your practice. Let’s take a bi-monthly approach. Two-month seasons help you to better focus your time and money. Six seasons: 1) January and February, 2) March and April, 3) May and June, 4) July and August, 5) September and October and 6) November and December. [...]

Six Marketing Seasons2012-06-20T22:30:08-04:00

Distinguish Your Practice


On May 11, 2010, I was a panelist on AICPA/PCPS’ webinar: The Future Is Write Now: How marketing your expertise must change! I previewed the webinar in my April column. Pithy writing sparks more referrals when your practice is already distinguished. More and more CPA practices are becoming specialized and focused. Thus, many accountants are [...]

Distinguish Your Practice2012-06-21T19:01:49-04:00

Has Your Marketing Plan Failed You?


How using a dashboard can make all the difference. A marketing plan is typically a bound document, predicting the right actions for growth. It usually covers more than a few months, often a year and sometimes longer. It includes your vision, interim goals and other purpose statements of why you’re doing what you intend on [...]

Has Your Marketing Plan Failed You?2012-06-20T22:29:53-04:00

Seminar Marketing


A new way to zero in on new clientele. October 18, 2010 by Vikram Rajan “Seminar Marketing” is a catch-all phrase that includes public presentations, speaking engagements and classes. In some form, it should be a mainstay of your Marketing Action Plan (MAP). When done right, seminars produce a bounty of leads, client loyalty and [...]

Seminar Marketing2018-03-28T05:56:27-04:00

Make Your Year-End Count


Five marketing strategies show you how You survived September’s quarterlies, and this month’s extensions. As you begin to endure the flurry of compilations, audits, and review, don’t let your marketing lapse! The last quarter is the perfect time for CPAs to grow new business, for two main reasons: 1.In the next few weeks, you will [...]

Make Your Year-End Count2018-03-28T05:56:48-04:00

Is Your Business Card Hurting Your Business


Is Your Business Card Hurting Your Business? Use these strategies to avoid damaging firm growth. Even more than your website, your business card is the single most important marketing material you have. It’s low cost, most kept and most handed out to potential clients (by you and referral sources). Ironically, a CPA’s business card is [...]

Is Your Business Card Hurting Your Business2013-07-08T07:38:04-04:00


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