Marketing Collaterals

3 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers


{4:09 minutes to read} Twitter is best for anyone who wants to be seen on a stage. This includes the obvious people who are usually on stage, including performers, entertainers, and celebrities, but also government officials and politicians, authors, and subject matter experts. If you are looking for more speaking engagements and more opportunities to [...]

3 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers2018-03-27T07:59:29-04:00

Does Your Marketing Actually Make You Money?


We are pleased to share this article by guest author, Rod Bristol. OKAY! You went to your annual conference and heard the highly paid, highly profane keynote speaker rail at you for 90 minutes about how you need to run Facebook ads! You got convicted! You then went through the process of creating the ad, [...]

Does Your Marketing Actually Make You Money?2018-03-27T07:59:53-04:00

How You Present Your Content on Mobile Devices Has Reached Critical Mass


{6:25 minutes to read} In the general context of business, we have to recognize the continuing movement toward more mobilization—starting from PalmPilots and laptops to now regularly conducting business on a smartphone.  I’ve done other posts in the past discussing the need for your website to be mobile optimized—not just mobile friendly, but mobile optimized. [...]

How You Present Your Content on Mobile Devices Has Reached Critical Mass2018-03-27T08:00:14-04:00

What’s the Right Length for Your Blog?


{3:07 minutes to read} There really isn’t one perfect length for blog articles. But given people’s short attention spans these days, you should make sure that readers remain interested from beginning to end. If you’re using your blog as a marketing vehicle, keep your articles short and simple. […]

What’s the Right Length for Your Blog?2018-03-27T08:00:59-04:00

Why Are You Sending Your Prospects to Competitors?


{2:15 minutes to read} If you don’t have ALL of the information and answers that your prospective clients are looking for on your website, that’s exactly what you are doing. To say “times have changed” in the online marketing world would be an understatement. Your website/blog can no longer be just teaser information or espouse [...]

Why Are You Sending Your Prospects to Competitors?2018-03-27T08:01:24-04:00

4+ Surprising Benefits of Testimonials


{2:30 minutes to read} When we obtain a testimonial, we benefit in 4 ways: 1. When our clients say it in their own words, we’re able to fully understand the value that we’re providing. Sometimes testimonials on websites and brochures don’t sound “authentic” because they are not in the client’s actual words. 2. When clients [...]

4+ Surprising Benefits of Testimonials2018-03-27T08:01:42-04:00

The Final Phase of the Sales Funnel: Asking for Testimonials and Referrals


{2:55 minutes to read} As professional marketers, our goal is not to close the sale but to open a relationship. This is the difference between a customer and a client. When a potential client, aka “a prospect,” walks through the door or calls on the phone, the sales process has begun. A sales “funnel” is [...]

The Final Phase of the Sales Funnel: Asking for Testimonials and Referrals2018-03-27T08:03:03-04:00

How to Capture the Attention of a Prospect…Long Before They Seek out Your Services? Start an Advice Column!


{3:10 minutes to read} An advice column opens a dialog with potential clients who are seeking “help” and who might not yet know that your service could be their best option. An advice column presents a real opportunity to broaden your audience. It is a totally separate engagement from what your blog posts provide. An [...]

How to Capture the Attention of a Prospect…Long Before They Seek out Your Services? Start an Advice Column!2018-03-27T08:04:00-04:00

Don’t Blast Your Sales Message to New Contacts—Try This Instead!


{4:48 minutes to read} For the majority of professional service providers (like most of you), you should realize you cannot depend solely on your online marketing & networking efforts as your only means of marketing. Offline (in-person) professional relationships cannot be replaced by online efforts, but they can be augmented and reinforced. Keep in mind [...]

Don’t Blast Your Sales Message to New Contacts—Try This Instead!2018-03-27T08:04:21-04:00

7 Cross-Promotion Strategies to Boost Referrals


{4:15 minutes to read} There are a lot of different ways in which you can engage others in your co-marketing. In the world, we are, of course, focused primarily on blogs and newsletters. Cross promotion is the next level of marketing by utilizing these tools: Strategy #1: Quote Others Quoting others is the opportunity [...]

7 Cross-Promotion Strategies to Boost Referrals2018-03-27T08:05:10-04:00

3 Ways to Measure Results


{4:00 minutes to read} There’s an old adage: “Only 20% of marketing works; 80% is a waste. We just don’t know which 80%!” Even worse, the 80% is a changing set: What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, and so forth. Unfortunately, much of marketing is trial & error and A/B testing. Still, I find [...]

3 Ways to Measure Results2018-03-27T08:05:36-04:00

LinkedIn Publisher (Pulse) Article Posting: Pros & Cons


{3:45 minutes to read} Breaking from tradition, we have been experimenting with sharing our client’s LinkedIn publisher or “Pulse articles” to their LinkedIn groups in lieu of sharing the external article. We are still doing blog articles for nearly all clients. We publish their blog posts’ excerpts and titles, then include links to the blog posts [...]

LinkedIn Publisher (Pulse) Article Posting: Pros & Cons2018-03-27T08:05:58-04:00

Marketing Fitness — 6 Key Strategies to Implement (Part 2)


{4:45 minutes to read} Continuing our discussion from the last blog post, today’s article examines some more health & fitness lessons that can be applied to marketing. Don’t overdo it. Although pushing yourself can be a good thing, you don’t want to take it too far. In physical fitness, when you feel a tingling or [...]

Marketing Fitness — 6 Key Strategies to Implement (Part 2)2018-03-27T08:06:20-04:00

7 Traits of Marketing Maestros


{2:20 minutes to read} I’ve only had one real boss: my father. He’s a deep thinker & very learned—inspirational to many people. He taught me pretty much everything I know in terms of business. I’d like to share one of the best lessons he taught me, which still rings true on a daily basis: 7 [...]

7 Traits of Marketing Maestros2018-03-27T08:08:39-04:00

We’ve Been Hiding Something from You:-) You’re Now Being Published on LinkedIn


{2:15 minutes to read} phoneBlogger has begun publishing your blog articles to LinkedIn Publisher. This is part of a new feature available on LinkedIn. What is LinkedIn Publisher? Here’s what LinkedIn says: Your original content becomes part of your professional profile. It is displayed on the posts section of your LinkedIn profile. It’s shared with [...]

We’ve Been Hiding Something from You:-) You’re Now Being Published on LinkedIn2018-03-28T00:31:55-04:00

How to Market Yourself During Conference Season


{3:50 minutes to read} Business professionals often wonder: Is it worthwhile to market my practice during the various conferences I attend? At Practice Marketing, we’ve used conferences for marketing for a number of years, and fairly successfully. Whenever possible, we try to be in a room full of potential clients. […]

How to Market Yourself During Conference Season2018-03-28T00:32:19-04:00

Professional Online Networking Beyond Pop Social Media


{4:00 minutes to read} What do you think about when you hear the term “social media”? The field of online networking goes beyond what we traditionally think of as social media, which puts the emphasis on the social, on the fun & on the non-professional aspects of our life. But there’s a very healthy & [...]

Professional Online Networking Beyond Pop Social Media2018-03-28T04:43:15-04:00

Is Social Media Getting You Referrals?


{4:54 minutes to read} Clients ask if we can advise them on how they can get more likes and interactions on their social media. There are many ways to encourage people to like your Facebook business page or LinkedIn company page including direct invites, giveaways, prize drawings and other enticements. But I keep going back [...]

Is Social Media Getting You Referrals?2018-03-28T04:43:36-04:00

5+ Ways We SEO Your Articles


{2:15 minutes to read} Recently a client emailed me to ask if we use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices to enhance the articles that we edit for her. At, we are SEO-conscious, and we use this knowledge when editing our client’s articles. Here’s how we “SEO” our client’s articles: 1. WordPress comes optimized for [...]

5+ Ways We SEO Your Articles2018-03-28T04:44:08-04:00

Online Reputation Management: Part 2 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff


{3:20 minutes to read} In Part 1, we shared the story about someone who was trying to overcome the negative results Google produced about themselves. To help solve this problem, he (or you) can do what many others are doing: Bury the negative results by pushing it as far back on Google as possible. Even [...]

Online Reputation Management: Part 2 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff2018-03-28T04:45:48-04:00


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