
What Can a Virtual Marketing Assistant Do for You?


{4:20 minutes to read} Relationships take time, but one of the things you can do to help offset that is to use a virtual marketing assistant. In the early days of Practice Marketing, long before phoneBlogger came into play, Vik and I would sit with professional services clients – attorneys, CPAs, financial advisors, etc. – [...]

What Can a Virtual Marketing Assistant Do for You?2018-03-28T04:41:47-04:00

5+ Ways We SEO Your Articles


{2:15 minutes to read} Recently a client emailed me to ask if we use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices to enhance the articles that we edit for her. At, we are SEO-conscious, and we use this knowledge when editing our client’s articles. Here’s how we “SEO” our client’s articles: 1. WordPress comes optimized for [...]

5+ Ways We SEO Your Articles2018-03-28T04:44:08-04:00

Online Reputation Management: Part 3 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff


{4:00 minutes to read} In Part 1 and Part 2, we shared tips and solutions to take control of your online brand. In Part 3, we continue revealing ways to bury negative search results on search engines: 6. If you really want to take advantage of getting your name and fresh content out there on [...]

Online Reputation Management: Part 3 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff2018-03-28T04:45:05-04:00

Are My Blog & Website Mobile-Friendly?


{2 minutes to read} One of our clients emailed me a question, “Vik, I was wondering if you think my main website is mobile-friendly?” This is how I answered my client’s question: 1) Your main website is not mobile-friendly, Google offers this tool & solutions (which are more than a lay person can handle): Google [...]

Are My Blog & Website Mobile-Friendly?2018-03-28T04:45:29-04:00

Online Reputation Management: Part 2 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff


{3:20 minutes to read} In Part 1, we shared the story about someone who was trying to overcome the negative results Google produced about themselves. To help solve this problem, he (or you) can do what many others are doing: Bury the negative results by pushing it as far back on Google as possible. Even [...]

Online Reputation Management: Part 2 – 10 Ways to Bury the Bad Stuff2018-03-28T04:45:48-04:00

Are Your Email Lists VIP-Centric?


{4:15 minutes to read} Email marketing is convenient and efficient. Yet, efficiency & effectiveness are often counter to one another. Meaning, as something is more efficient, the less effective it often is. Very often the most effective forms of marketing aren’t a very efficient use of time or resources. However, quality time spent with VIP [...]

Are Your Email Lists VIP-Centric?2018-03-28T04:46:21-04:00

Online Reputation Management: Part 1 – What Is It, & Why Is It Important?


{3:40 minutes to read} When you Google yourself, what comes up? Is it you or your website? Does someone else with the same or a similar name as you come up? What are you finding there if it is you? Is it positive, negative or in the middle? Maybe you don’t want people seeing the [...]

Online Reputation Management: Part 1 – What Is It, & Why Is It Important?2018-03-28T04:46:49-04:00

What’s Better than Know, Like, Trust?


{1:30 minutes to read} In order to be recommended, you must be remembered. “Know, Like, and Trust” has become an often bandied-about sales & marketing term. Productive relationships go through 3 phases: Knowing one another. Liking one another. And trusting in each other’s expertise & character: Each side must deliver on promises. […]

What’s Better than Know, Like, Trust?2018-03-28T04:47:15-04:00

Pay-Per-Click: Costly Mistakes to Avoid


{3:55 minutes to read} If you are considering Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, there are many providers to choose from including Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Google is the largest player in the game, raking in 80+% of the search market. Years ago, getting visitors by utilizing PPC was fairly easy, but today the competition is formidable. For [...]

Pay-Per-Click: Costly Mistakes to Avoid2018-03-28T04:48:12-04:00

Does Business Feel Like a Roller Coaster? 5 Tips to Leverage the Ups & Downs


{3:00 minutes to read} Any number of things can affect the ebb and flow of business. Acknowledge that there will be cycles, and use the downtime wisely. I often see clients in professional services experience being busy one month, but not the next. The workflow gets crazy busy for a while, and then it’s like [...]

Does Business Feel Like a Roller Coaster? 5 Tips to Leverage the Ups & Downs2018-03-28T04:49:04-04:00

Endorsements, Recommendations & Referrals, Oh My!


{2:42 minutes to read} When speaking with clients in respect to their marketing efforts, I see a lot of endorsements or recommendations – that are referred to as referrals. What’s the Difference? If you and I are talking and I say, “Oh, you should talk to Mary Jane about your problem. She’s an attorney over [...]

Endorsements, Recommendations & Referrals, Oh My!2018-03-28T04:50:32-04:00

New Ways to New Referral-Centric Blog Article Ideas


{3:30 minutes to read} In my last article, we introduced 2 new features available from In this post, I would like to introduce you to an additional value to the suite of services. Most of our clients are familiar with phoneBlogger’s focus has always been on referral-centric blog ideas. What do I [...]

New Ways to New Referral-Centric Blog Article Ideas2018-03-28T04:50:55-04:00

TimeStamp Feature – Aims to Increase Your Readership!


{2:25 minutes to read} We’re solidifying “timestamping” as part of phoneBlogger’s standard practice. People’s attention spans are very short online; for this reason, when their inbox is overflowing with newsletters, articles, etc., they can become easily overwhelmed. We know that many people will skim through an article, especially if it’s more than a screen-page long, [...]

TimeStamp Feature – Aims to Increase Your Readership!2018-03-28T04:51:11-04:00

2 New Cross-promotion Benefits of!


{Time to read: 3.5 minutes} Blogging is a means to an end. Our real focus of blogging is word-of-mouth marketing, to stay top-of-mind with referral relationships. One of the main focuses of and working with us is to do what we’re calling “referral-centric blogging” – where we look to prioritize topics that are fine-tuned [...]

2 New Cross-promotion Benefits of!2018-03-28T04:52:55-04:00

Looking For New Referral Sources? Don’t Overthink It — Take Action Now!


{Time to Read: 3.5 minutes} Recently I was helping a client get all of their “ducks in a row” for what will be a well-planned outreach to possible referral sources. They had decided to limit their outreach to people that could potentially have a synergistic working relationship with them. In preparation, my client created a [...]

Looking For New Referral Sources? Don’t Overthink It — Take Action Now!2018-03-28T04:53:01-04:00

Only 6 Lawyers Attended My Seminar! 4 Happy Lessons


{Time to read: 5 minutes} Back in October 2014, I presented a seminar series for the Metropolitan Black Bar Association (MBBA). While only 6 lawyers attended the 1st workshop, there were at least 4 happy lessons for me to learn, and perhaps for others to follow. The series was modeled after the ones I presented [...]

Only 6 Lawyers Attended My Seminar! 4 Happy Lessons2018-03-28T04:53:05-04:00

How To Attract Referrals By Becoming a Branded Expert™ in Your Industry


The phoneBlogger process is highly successful at starting conversations. At phoneBlogger, we have enjoyed watching as numerous clients have benefited from their blog posts striking a chord with their colleagues, affiliates, centers of influence & referral sources. This is often because the opinion or viewpoint expressed was either contrary to or progressive beyond the collective [...]

How To Attract Referrals By Becoming a Branded Expert™ in Your Industry2018-03-28T04:53:15-04:00

9 Ways to Build A Blog You Can “Bank On” — Part 2


My recent article stressed the importance of building a bank of articles, so that blog publishing and promotion can stay consistent, no matter what life or work roadblocks surface. In that article, we discussed the first 5 ways to build a bank of articles. Here are a few more examples: In the same manner, if you [...]

9 Ways to Build A Blog You Can “Bank On” — Part 22018-03-28T05:00:34-04:00

9 Ways to Build a Blog You Can “Bank On” — Part 1


Why would you want to have a bank of articles for your blog? The short answer is that life happens: Vacations, sickness, family emergencies, unexpected car trouble, etc. Things happen everyday that can prevent us from keeping our schedules on track, or that interrupt our flow. When these challenges come up, if you have no [...]

9 Ways to Build a Blog You Can “Bank On” — Part 12018-03-28T05:00:44-04:00


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