
LinkedIn’s Link to More Speaking Engagements


I just answered a HARO inquiry (ask me what that is). So I’m turning my email into a blog article (there’s a hint). This was my answer: Hi Cindy, every lecture or presentation should lead to more speaking engagements using 3 sentences: 1) “I can go into more detail on this topic in future seminars here.” 2) “If [...]

LinkedIn’s Link to More Speaking Engagements2018-03-28T05:01:35-04:00

How Can Blogging Turn Your Web Visitors Into Clients?


Working with phoneBlogger isn’t only about publishing fresh blog articles on your website; we want to increase the chances those individuals landing on your website will reach out to you – and potentially become a client! At phoneBlogger, we help our clients gain recognition and become branded experts in their field by blogging, and further [...]

How Can Blogging Turn Your Web Visitors Into Clients?2018-03-28T05:01:40-04:00

5 Secrets To Crafting The Ultimate Blog Title


The goal is always to capture the interest of the reader, to hook them and get them to read and share, but how do you pull that off? How do you make it concise and catchy, and if possible, informative and entertaining. Here are 5 techniques that we use to create a blog title that [...]

5 Secrets To Crafting The Ultimate Blog Title2018-03-28T05:29:43-04:00

Why Is It Imperative to Google Yourself?


Did you know that 86% of people searching for products and services they don’t regularly use, like legal or financial services, will first search online, usually with Google? That’s before they ask their friends and colleagues for a referral! Even if a curious consumer is not looking to contract a professional service provider, they are [...]

Why Is It Imperative to Google Yourself?2018-03-28T05:01:54-04:00

phoneBlogging: The Newest Oldest Profession?


phoneBlogging : gerund \ˈfōn-ˌblägiŋ\ : the process of transforming a telephone-based audio recording into an edited article, optimized for website blogs. Ok, fine, we made that up: But did we really? Telephones have been around since 1876. Audio recordings may even pre-date Edison’s 1878 invention. While blogs began around 1999, journals of personal & professional [...]

phoneBlogging: The Newest Oldest Profession?2018-03-28T05:02:01-04:00

Do You Know the Value of a Blog Excerpt?


I recommend using excerpts for one purpose: To drive everyone back to the blog itself. Excerpts enable visitors to skim through for articles of interest. If we didn’t use the “excerpt” method on the blog listing page (where blogs are displayed sequentially), visitors would be scrolling down the page for days, which they simply won’t [...]

Do You Know the Value of a Blog Excerpt?2018-03-28T05:29:31-04:00

Blogging Social Media Power Trick


You can use this “power trick” to grow VIP relationships – with referral relationships, media contacts, program directors, and even potential clients. It can also be used to drive targeted traffic back to your website. It works best after you’ve been blogging consistently & active on social media for a while (that’s how gives [...]

Blogging Social Media Power Trick2018-03-28T05:02:09-04:00

Are Your Event Invitations Being Ignored?


I recently received an invitation to an event which – due to its lack of information, polish and professionalism – made me question if I was the intended recipient. While many mistakes were obvious to me as the reader, essential yet missing components may not have been so obvious to the sender. Keep these tips [...]

Are Your Event Invitations Being Ignored?2018-03-28T05:31:15-04:00

Boost Newsletter Results in 1 Minute: Constant Contact QuickSend


How many times do you check your LinkedIn or Facebook during the day? And how often do you check your email? Despite all the social media hype, studies continue to show the greater efficacy of email newsletters. Sent via platforms like Constant Contact, you can track the results like: Who opens your email Who clicks [...]

Boost Newsletter Results in 1 Minute: Constant Contact QuickSend2018-03-28T05:31:35-04:00

The 3 Benefits of a Strong Opening Sentence


One of’s best practices when editing your articles is to begin with a strong opening sentence (just like this one). Doing so meets 3 key objectives: 1. To give the reader an immediate and more in-depth idea of what the article will be discussing, beyond what the title provides. Articles typically conclude with one [...]

The 3 Benefits of a Strong Opening Sentence2018-03-28T05:32:01-04:00

Introducing the New Article Template

2018-03-28T05:33:32-04:00 is in the process of rolling out a new article template across the company. The revamp creates a standardization across the client base. For that reason, the new article template has a set of standards with a checklist – built right into the template – so clients can see it. It also serves as [...]

Introducing the New Article Template2018-03-28T05:33:32-04:00

Consistency, Frequency and Value: The 3 Elements of Getting & Maintaining Your Audience’s Attention


In the world of marketing, whatever it is that you choose to do, unless you are doing it consistently, you can’t know whether or not it will work. Many people I’ve spoken with over the years have said they have tried multiple marketing approaches – newsletters, advertising, social media, etc. – and that none of [...]

Consistency, Frequency and Value: The 3 Elements of Getting & Maintaining Your Audience’s Attention2018-03-28T05:35:34-04:00

It’s All About the Follow-Through: Marketing, as with Tennis & Golf


In April 2014, I was selected to be the (youngest ever?) next “Counselor-in-training” with SCORE, the business counseling non-profit funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration. As soon as 1 of the NYC SCORE Counselors read my bio, she recommended me to speak with 2 of her clients, both involved in legal services. I met [...]

It’s All About the Follow-Through: Marketing, as with Tennis & Golf2018-03-28T05:34:14-04:00

Why We Encourage Cross Promotion in Social Media


Every service provides is designed to have people become aware of you, and then be consistently reminded of you. The frequency and number of social channels to which we syndicate and cross-promote your blog articles is because no one will notice or pay attention to all of it. People will only notice some of [...]

Why We Encourage Cross Promotion in Social Media2018-03-28T05:34:21-04:00

LinkedIn Group Moderation – What’s Going On?!


A fairly recent “enhancement” on LinkedIn Groups is causing a bit of a tissy amongst members, as some posters to Group Discussions are all of a sudden getting notices that their discussions have been temporarily placed into “Moderation” across all groups. (Copy of an actual notice at the bottom of this article). This is a [...]

LinkedIn Group Moderation – What’s Going On?!2018-03-28T05:36:14-04:00

2 More Points for Bulleting Your Blog… Part 2


In my last post I described the first 2 steps to making the most out of the process, some best practices for organizing your thoughts & some tips about what your posts should look like. This time I’d like to focus on the power of personality, stories and anecdotes in the blogging process, as [...]

2 More Points for Bulleting Your Blog… Part 22018-03-28T05:36:53-04:00

What to Do with Social Media Comments


As our client, phoneBlogger’s standard practice is to promote your blog posts to your social media profiles and groups, generating new discussions. Discussions result in likes and/or comments within social networks, or directly on the blog post on your website. Responses can fall into one of 3 categories: 1. Positive or reinforcing of your point [...]

What to Do with Social Media Comments2018-03-28T05:37:30-04:00

Do You Have Any Idea What Your Website Visitors Are Doing?


Once you’ve made the decision to start authoring educational blog articles in order to boost your word-of-mouth referrals, you may find that some of the terminology is confusing at first – but knowing what it means can greatly improve your ability to maximize your site. For the purposes of this article we’re going to focus [...]

Do You Have Any Idea What Your Website Visitors Are Doing?2018-03-28T05:38:30-04:00

First 2 Points for Bulleting Your Blog… Part 1


I am phoneBlogging this article. What does that mean? I am not actually typing these lines, but rather recording my thoughts so that someone else can then transcribe, edit and polish my words into a finished article. If I were to just speak “off the cuff,” I would have some difficulty keeping my thoughts organized [...]

First 2 Points for Bulleting Your Blog… Part 12018-03-28T05:38:59-04:00


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